Hybrid Systems - Projects, Projects, Projects

Summer term ‘22 is a time of numerous opportunities for GenComp to present a diverse range of works, which may well make up for all the public events/gatherings lost to pandemic conditions in the past 4 semesters.
Our calendar is already filled with ca. biweekly dates, ranging from prominent UdK events initiated by the president’s office to a full day of radio art by S4NTP for the EU Cultural Capital Esch/Luxembourg, to FutureVoices revivals and cozy concerts. 
In Hybrid Systems, we take our time to prepare for all these events in all their variety of conceptual, artistic & technical questions.

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2022-03-28 10:50:24.555553 alberto-decampo@medienhaus.udk-berlin.de executed add_bound with variables "obj"=>"12568", "ord"=>"1", "sub"=>"221", "bound_id"=>"27144", "predicate"=>"is_parent"
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