space, environment and context – brain waves
We will work on a realization of Alvin Lucier’s seminal piece "Music for Solo Performer" for amplified brain waves and percussion instruments.
Along the way we will look at different versions and investigate which aspects of the original idea can be transformed and further developed to create new work.
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Zeitgeist Log

2018-02-06 14:09:29.319142 display-cafeteria executed add_bound with variables "obj"=>"892", "ord"=>"1", "sub"=>"2892", "bound_id"=>"8669", "predicate"=>"created_by"
2018-02-06 14:09:29.359833 display-cafeteria executed add_knot with variables "img_url"=>"", "knot_id"=>"2892", "knot_name"=>"/RaumC.svg", "knot_content"=>""
2018-02-06 14:09:29.435683 display-cafeteria executed add_bound with variables "obj"=>"2892", "ord"=>"1", "sub"=>"1444", "bound_id"=>"8670", "predicate"=>"is_parent"
2018-04-14 22:27:29.258415 executed add_bound with variables "obj"=>"2892", "ord"=>"1", "sub"=>"221", "bound_id"=>"12501", "predicate"=>"is_parent"
CC BY-NC-SA UdK Medienhaus 2017-2020 / AE47-AE50