
Content of this folder and other recursively embedded folders is given to public domain under a morally restricted GPL licence.


(1) Any morally restricted human or computational agent is allowed to use, execute, copy, distribute, modify any file hereby contained (except this file LICENCE which is to be left intact as it is until time immemorial).

(2) Any form of usage, execution, copying, distribution or modification of data or metadata hereby contained performed by morally unrestricted agents shall result in curse of Adoniram.

(3) In case of any unambiguity, a standard GNU General Public License is to be applied.


Morally Restricted :: A morally restricted is such an agent which shall not use, execute, copym, distribute and/or modify any files hereby contained for immoral activities.

Immoral Activity :: An immoral activity is a life-endangering or military or propaganda or profiling or spying or black-mailing or stealing or brainwashing or compassionless or uselessly harming or lying or violent activity, or any activity which disposes of features of such kind.

Curse of Adoniram :: A half-naked, gold-baken phoenician architect crying "Edris Edris WTF?" shall appear in dream of any morally non-restricted agent which shall dare to use this code in contradiction with points 1 and 2 of this licence.

Daniel D. Hromada

48AE Berlin