As long as the physical access to University si forbidden, we are going to meet in this Big Blue Button room.
You can get here by one single click from the address BAUMHAUS.DIGITAL
Modules : You can validate this course either as seminar of module Wissenschaften (VK), Theorie (KuM) or Studium Generale course.
Leistungsnachweis : Seed, plant or create an organic, digital or artistic tree and present the report about its growth.
You'll get two credits for Studium Generale (+positive note if You're exceptional); 3 credits for Wissenschaften (or 5 if You would write a 8-10 page essay).
Please have Your camera turned off and microphone muted when You're not speaking.
Make sure that You use as stable & fast connection as possible (for example, connect through cable and not WLAN; if using WLAN, try to be in the same room as Your router etc.)
Before complaining that something does not work, try to solve a problem Yourself.
Be playful: start exploring functionalities like "chat" and "shared notes"
In case You feel really really lost, write a chat message to Paul, Felipe, Nikoloz or Dorothea.
Remember: friendship is everything
Goal 1: Establish a bridge between organic (carbon-governed) and digital (silicon-governed) realms
Goal 0: Survive
Method: Education
Observer observes a certain similarity-of-forms, a certain "morphism", between organic entities known as "trees" and structures of the digital realm.
Observer observes a certain similarity-of-forms, a certain "morphism", between organic processes known as "germination, differentiation, growth and decay" and processes taking place in the informatic realm.
Last winter/early spring bought a Kiste of avocados for 3 euros at Türkisches Markt at Görschstrasse / Yorckstrasse.
Germination most probably took place in compost.
Developped wonderfully until cca september, survived a Blatt-läuse attack, managed to adapt to the local soil.
Started losing leaves in autumn.
Survived first Berlin winter.
Mozart :: in einem kleinen Apfel
Goethe :: Valpurgis night discussion between Dr. Faust and Gretchen
Der über uns" (G.E. Lessing)
E.T.A. Hoffman :: Der goldne Topf
Grimm brothaz' :: Frau Holle; Snow white
Schiller :: William Tell
can You name some other song / myth / fairy tale / piece of art where apples play a role ?
one person chooses, in his|her mind only a number N between 0 and 31
other start at node 16 and ask "is N smaller than 16?" ... if the answer is "yes", You will take the upper/left road leading to number 8 ... if the answer is "no", You will take the lower/right road leading to number 24
now You ask, "is N smaller than 8?" (or 24)...again, if the answer is "yes", You take the upper/left road (leading You to 4, resp. 20), in other case You take the lower/right road (leading You to 12, resp. 28)
You repeat two more times until You reach the leaves of the tree....if N is odd, the leaf node where You finished is the number N
(if number N is even, than it is one of those numbers which You traversed on Your path, e.g. 16,24,20 or 22 if You ended up at leaf 23)
then another person invents the number and others guess.
P.S. this binary tree will help You :
in March / April
choose a tree which has cca 20-30 cm diameter at 1m height
at 1m height, drill a cca 2cm-5cm hole with 0.5 cm diameter
insert a drinking straw or a glass tube
collect max 2-3 liters per tree
enclose the drill hole with earth/soil and ash (otherwise the tree could "bleed to death")
for a chosen tree, do not apply more often than once in 2 years
Birch provides four good things: she illuminates (used for torches); she strangles cries (birch tar used for creeking wheels); she heals the sick and she purifies (birch canes in sauna).
Observer observes a certain similarity-of-forms, a certain "morphism", between organic entities known as "trees" and structures of the digital realm.
Observer observes a certain similarity-of-forms, a certain "morphism", between organic processes known as "germination, differentiation, growth and decay" and processes taking place in the informatic realm.
one person chooses, in his|her mind only a number N between 0 and 31
other start at node 16 and ask "is N smaller than 16?" ... if the answer is "yes", You will take the upper/left road leading to number 8 ... if the answer is "no", You will take the lower/right road leading to number 24
now You ask, "is N smaller than 8?" (or 24)...again, if the answer is "yes", You take the upper/left road (leading You to 4, resp. 20), in other case You take the lower/right road (leading You to 12, resp. 28)
You repeat two more times until You reach the leaves of the tree....if N is odd, the leaf node where You finished is the number N
(if number N is even, than it is one of those numbers which You traversed on Your path, e.g. 16,24,20 or 22 if You ended up at leaf 23)
then another person invents the number and others guess.
P.S. this binary tree will help You :
root is the user name or account that by default has access to all commands and files on a Linux or other Unix-like operating system. It is also referred to as the root account, root user and the superuser.
Root privileges are the powers that the root account has on the system. The root account is the most privileged on the system and has absolute power over it (i.e., complete access to all files and commands). Among root's powers are the ability to modify the system in any way desired and to grant and revoke access permissions (i.e., the ability to read, modify and execute specific files and directories) for other users, including any of those that are by default reserved for root.
The word root also has several additional, related meanings when used as part of other terms, and thus it can be a source of confusion to people new to Unix-like systems.
One of these is the root directory, which is the top level directory on a system. That is, it is the directory in which all other directories, including their subdirectories, and files reside. The root directory is designated by a forward slash ( / ).
Another is /root (pronounced slash root), which is the root user's home directory. A home directory is the primary repository of a user's files, including that user's configuration files, and it is usually the directory in which a user finds itself when it logs into a system. /root is a subdirectory of the root directory, as indicated by the forward slash that begins its name, and should not to be confused with that directory. Home directories for users other than root are by default created in the /home directory, which is another standard subdirectory of the root directory.
Observer observes a certain similarity-of-forms, a certain "morphism", between organic entities known as "trees" and structures of the digital realm.
Observer observes a certain similarity-of-forms, a certain "morphism", between organic processes known as "germination, differentiation, growth and decay" and processes taking place in the informatic realm.
materiality: organic tree is touchable, smellable, tastable, drinkable (senses)
origin: human made vs. nature-made
reproduction: copy+paste vs. germination+growth
growth: adding information vs. adding material (organic tree grows according to linear time)
surroundings of the organic trees
no firewall in the organic world, more "attackable" organic trees
embedded vs. abstract
picture of Rhizom more fitting to digital trees?
why do we use the metaphore of "tree" for the digital one?
Digital trees might live longer than organic trees
Digital trees can have more branches than organic trees (close to endless)
Genealogical tree of programming languages.
Initiation into sanskrit.
(formal & generative) grammars.
World Wald Web.
Direct acyclic graphs (DAGs).
The essence of any programming language is its "parse tree".
Natural languages can be conceptualized and described as forests of cognitive structures.
while b ≠ 0
if a > b
a := a − b
b := b − a
return a
Aphrodite, Freya, Maria
center of the village
tribunals took place under Linden trees (often with much more relaxed judgments than tribunals which took place under oaks)
Lindwurm ???
pasture for bees
great for carving, Lignum sanctum, "the holy wood" (used, by Tilman Riemenschneider, Veit Stoss etc.)
since Stone Age, linden bast used for making of ropes, mats, child clothes etc.
Linden coal (good for teeth)
Linden tea (good for sleeping, eye relaxation etc.)
God’s Grove was as it always was—perfumed by the scent of a million million trees, silent except for the soft sounds of leaf rustle and wind, colored in halftones and pastels, the sunset igniting the literal rooftop of the world as an ocean of treetops caught the light, each leaf shimmering to the breeze, glittering with dew and morning showers as the breeze rose and carried the smell of rain and wet vegetation to Gladstone on her platform high above the world still sunk in sleep and darkness half a kilometer below.
A Templar approached, saw the glint of Gladstone’s access bracelet as she moved her hand, and withdrew, a tall, robed figure blending back into the maze of foliage and vines.
The Templars were one of the trickiest variables in Gladstone’s game. Their sacrifice of their treeship Yggdrasill was unique, unprecedented, inexplicable, and worrisome. Of all her potential allies in the war to come, none were more necessary and inscrutable than the Templars. Dedicated to life and devoted to the Muir, the Brotherhood of the Tree was a small but potent force in the Web—a token of ecological awareness in a society devoted to self-destruction and waste but unwilling to acknowledge its indulgent ways.
Where was Het Masteen? Why had he left the Möbius cube with the other pilgrims?
Gladstone watched the sun rise. The sky filled with orphan montgolfiers saved from the slaughter on Whirl, their many-hued bodies floating skyward like so many Portuguese men-o-war. Radiant gossamers spread membrane-thin solar wings to collect the sunlight. A flock of ravens broke cover and spiraled skyward, their cries providing harsh counterpoint to the soft breeze and sibilant rush of rain coming toward Gladstone from the west. The insistent sound of raindrops on leaves reminded her of her own home in the deltas of Patawpha, of the Hundred Day Monsoon which sent her and her brothers out into the fens hunting for toad flyers, bendits, and Spanish moss serpents to bring to school in a jar.
Gladstone realized for the hundred thousandth time that there was still time to stop things. All-out war was not inevitable at this point. The Ousters had not counterattacked yet in a way the Hegemony could not ignore. The Shrike was not free. Not yet.
All she had to do to save a hundred billion lives was return to the Senate floor, reveal three decades of deception and duplicity, reveal her fears and uncertainties …
No. It would go as planned until it went beyond planning. Into the unforeseen. Into the wild waters of chaos where even the TechnoCore predictors, those who saw everything, would be blind.
Gladstone walked the platforms, towers, ramps, and swinging bridges of the Templar tree city. Arboreals from a score of worlds and ARNied chimps scolded her and fled, swinging gracefully from flimsy vines three hundred meters above the forest floor. From areas closed to tourists and privileged visitors, Gladstone caught the scent of incense and clearly heard the Gregorian-like chants of the Templar sunrise service. Beneath her, the lower levels were coming alive with light and movement. The brief showers had passed over, and Gladstone returned to the upper levels, rejoicing in the view, crossing a sixty-meter wooden suspension bridge connecting her tree to one even larger, where half a dozen of the great hot air balloons—the only air transport the Templars allowed on God’s Grove—hung tethered and seemingly impatient to be away, their passenger nacelles swinging like heavy brown eggs, the skins of the balloons lovingly dyed in the patterns of living things—montgolfiers, Monarch butterflies, Thomas hawks, radiant gossamers, the now-extinct zeplens, sky squids, moon moths, eagles—so revered in legend that they had never been, retrieved or ARNied—and more.
All this could be destroyed if I continue. Will be destroyed.
message 0 :: we are alone on the spaceship Earth (Fermi's paradox)
message 1 :: AIs will need us for their survival as we need animals, plants & functional eco-systems for own survival
message 2 :: what You see now is just a vague image of things which the Time shall bring :: batteries hanging like fruits from inorganic trees; electronic trees connected directly to the electricity grid; future sentient beings for which human thought is as slow as trees are "slow" from human perspective
var treeData = [
"name": "Top Level",
"parent": "null",
"children": [
"name": "Level 2: A",
"parent": "Top Level",
"children": [
"name": "Son of A",
"parent": "Level 2: A"
"name": "Daughter of A",
"parent": "Level 2: A"
"name": "Level 2: B",
"parent": "Top Level"