Einatmen 1 :: Bildung Biodigitale (Entwurf)

1588077958 / AE500428

SoSe 2020 / AE50 - Of Organic and Digital Trees
SoSe 2022 / AE52 - On three forms of Evolution
SoSe 2024 / AE54 - Computational Beauty of Plants
SoSe 2026 / AE56 - Über Knoten, Kurven und Kreise  

Einatmen 1 :: Bildung Biodigitale

1574338201 / AE491121

Bildung BioDigitale = humanism + digitalisation + ecology

Goal 1: Establish a bridge between organic (carbon-governed) and digital (silicon-governed) realms

Goal 0: Survive

Method: Education

The Core Metaphor(s) :: Subjective variant

1587472261 / AE500421

Observer observes a certain similarity-of-forms, a certain "morphism", between organic entities known as "trees" and structures of the digital realm.

Observer observes a certain similarity-of-forms, a certain "morphism", between organic processes known as "germination, differentiation, growth and decay" and processes taking place in the informatic realm.

Einatmen 1 :: Avocado

1587473430 / AE500421

Last winter/early spring bought a Kiste of avocados for 3 euros at Türkisches Markt at Görschstrasse / Yorckstrasse.

Germination most probably took place in compost.

Developped wonderfully until cca september, survived a Blatt-läuse attack, managed to adapt to the local soil.

Started losing leaves in autumn.

Survived first Berlin winter.