Making of a digital education artefact #1

Personal Primer (digitale Fibel, fantastische Fibel u.s.w.) is a digital artefact aiming to enrich narrative, mathematical and musical intelligence of a Grundschule pupil. It instantiates 23 attributes divided into...

Who am I ?

  • 36 years, Slovak by origin, European by choice
  • Bc. in Humanities (Charles University in Prague, CZ) & Bc. in Linguistics (Universite de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, FR)
  • certified to use Feuerstein's cognitive Instrumental Enrichement 1 and 2 methods
  • Master in Complex Systems : Natural and Artificial Cognition (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris, FR)
  • Double PhD. :: Cybernetics (Slovak University of Technology, SK) and Psychology (Universite Paris 8) defended with the Thesis "Evolutionary models of ontogeny of linguistic categories" - c.f. )
  • UG haftungsbeschränkt (now in hibernation)
  • UdK Medienhaus IT Admin between december 2014 and july 2018
  • ECDF / UdK Digital Education W1 professorship since 1.18.2018
  • married, 2 daughters


    • developmental psycholinguistics
    • child - computer interaction
    • constructivist theories of learning and intelligence
    • cognitive enrichment and cognitive impoverishment
    • child - computer interaction
    • machine learning & machine teaching ("Can machines teach?")
    • machine morality & roboethics
    • natural language processing & computational rhetorics
    • history of ideas and technologies
    • digital diversity, open source (e.g. Linux) and maker movement
    • conservative techno-optimist

Digital Education @ UdK

Three topics of theoretical focus :
  1. Definition of Digital Education ("education-of" or "education-with" ?)
  2. Evaluation criteria for e-didactic tools, media and methods
  3. Parent participation in digital education

Two topics of PRAXIS :
  1. Evaluation and extension of "Computer Science Unplugged" curricula

Digitale Fibel :: Project Participant Interaction Space 

Daniel :: Hello world !
Gero: hi
Akif:: Hey everyone! (:

Fibel :: Architectural primitives

Hardware is Raspberry Pi, OS is Raspbian which after booting automatically logs in the user fibel whose .bashrc specifies to launch xinit whose .xinitrec specifies to run chromium
Frontend is running in chromium which loads index.html which loads all the rest.

Interaction between backend services / sensors and frontend takes place by means of websockets. Every backend service pipes it outputs into pipes located in /dev/fibel, these pipes are created by bunch of gwsocket-daemons launched at startup, config file for service2port associations is in /etc/fibel/sockets.

All necessary frontend code for dealing with sockets is in js/sockets.js

Three references



  • Neal Stephenson - The Diamond Age - Or, a Young Lady's Illustrated Primer


What You hear now is just a dim reflection of what You'll hear then.

Was ist das?

Fox once saw a Crow fly off with a piece of cheese in its beak and settle on a branch of a tree. "That's for me, as I am a Fox," said Master Reynard, and he walked up to the foot of the tree.




Grammatic Stuff


Session 7 :: The minimalist principle

The minimalist principle

Release minimal amount of energy to attain maximal (possible) optimization.

Optimization (a Merriam-Webster dictionary definition)

    • an act, process, or methodology of making something (such as a design, system, or decision) as fully perfect, functional, or effective as possible
    • the mathematical procedures (such as finding the maximum of a function) involved in this

Session 8 :: Entwurf

  • 17.1. Entwurf
  • 24.1. Imprint
  • 31.1. Format
  • 7.2. Cybertext
  • 14.2. Fibel


Content of this folder and other recursively embedded folders is given to public domain under a morally restricted GPL licence.


(1) Any morally restricted human or computational agent is allowed to use, execute, copy, distribute, modify any file hereby contained (except this file LICENCE which is to be left intact as it is until time immemorial).

(2) Any form of usage, execution, copying, distribution or modification of data or metadata hereby contained performed by morally unrestricted agents shall result in curse of Adoniram.

(3) In case of any unambiguity, a standard GNU General Public License is to be applied.


Morally Restricted :: A morally restricted is such an agent which shall not use, execute, copym, distribute and/or modify any files hereby contained for immoral activities.

Immoral Activity :: An immoral activity is a life-endangering or military or propaganda or profiling or spying or black-mailing or stealing or brainwashing or compassionless or uselessly harming or lying or violent activity, or any activity which disposes of features of such kind.

Curse of Adoniram :: A half-naked, gold-baken phoenician architect crying "Edris Edris WTF?" shall appear in dream of any morally non-restricted agent which shall dare to use this code in contradiction with points 1 and 2 of this licence.

Daniel D. Hromada

48AE Berlin

Interface directives

LEFT (north, south) :: back in browser history
RIGHT (south, north) :: forward in browser history
DOWN (east, west) :: user info
UP (west, east) :: activity info
AIRWHEEL :: zoom 

Session 2 - Constraints

Of constraints, their usefulness and influence they exerce on design and designers of the Primer artefact


Think about all possible and impossible constraints (and obstacles) which could (and many of them also will ;) during the creative process.

Try to categorize these constraints into 3-5 main categories.


Constraints are designer's (strongest) allies.

Categories of constraints which an artefact like digital Primer is to be a subject.


Team work

    • Presentatio (both teams)

    • :: Briefly present the protocols of last week team work.


    • Team 1 :: Pi 3 :: Activate the face recognition

  • Team 2 :: Pi Zero :: Activate the skywriter 3d gesture interface

Links and Mirrors


Raspberry Pi Kiosk Tutorial

Raspberry Pi Kiosk Tutorial

(mirror of

The Raspberry Pi has proven itself to be a great computing device while keeping cost as low as possible. For less than $40 you are getting a great little device…

The Raspberry Pi has proven itself to be a great computing device while keeping cost as low as possible. For less than $40 you are getting a great little device with its 64-bit ARM processor. This made me think, would it be a good idea to turn the Raspberry Pi 3 into a kiosk?

The software that you'll need

A list is not even needed, because you only need three things: Raspbian Jessie Lite installed as the OS, the X11 display stack installed and the Chromium webbrowser installed on the Pi.

Why Chromium

Chromium is the open source variant of the popular Google Chrome browser. It has great potential for this project because of the --kiosk flag. With this option you can create a full-screen browser window inside your empty X11 session.

Installing the X11 display stack

You can install the X11 display stack on your Raspberry Pi with the following command:

sudo apt install xserver-xorg xinit

This will install the X11 server on your Pi together with the X11 server initialisation program. You also have to run this command:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure x11-common

To select who's authorized to start the X11 server. Make sure it is set like this:

x11-common package reconfiguration

Installing Chromium

Just run sudo apt install chromium-browser to install Chromium on your Pi. It's literally that simple.

Writing the .xinitrc script

When you execute the xinit command on your Pi, you will see a terminal window instead of Chromium. To fix this, you'll need to write a file in your home directory called ~/.xinitrc. This file contains everything that gets run when the X11 server starts up. So, edit this file with nano (or any other text editor) and make sure it looks like this:

.xinitrc file with Chromium

Save it, and try running Chromium by invoking the xinit command on your Pi.

But... my window is not fullscreen!

It could be that your Pi shows black borders around the screen, which has to do something with overscan. Open your /boot/config.txt file (with sudo) and add disable_overscan=1 to this file like this:

Disable Overscan

Reboot your Pi and the problem should magically disappear! (at least, that's what happened to me...)

Starting X11 at boot

Raspbian comes with a built-in tool to configure your Pi: raspi-config. Run this command on your Pi and you will be greeted with a command-line dialog window. Go to option 3 and press enter:

raspi-config main menu option 3

And then go for option 2:

raspi-config boot options option 2

Press enter, go to finish and when the program asks for a reboot choose yes.

Once you have rebooted your Pi, you'll have to do one more thing to finish this project: finally starting X11 at boot! My method might be more sophisticated than needed, but hey: it worked for me. Edit the ~/.bashrc file in your favourite text editor and add the following to the bottom of the file:

if [ -z "$SSH_CLIENT" ] || [ -z "$SSH_TTY" ]; then
    xinit -- -nocursor

save the file and reboot your Pi. Enjoy your beautiful self-made Raspberry Pi Kiosk!

Load webpage from an URL specified in a file

A Raspberry Pi with the default partition layout contains two partitions: the OS partition, and the BOOT partition which is formatted in FAT32 and gets automatically mounted at boot. For example: create a new file in /boot/ called website.txt and put your desired URL in it. Finally to make it work you simply replace the URL in your ~/.xinitrc file with $(cat /boot/website.txt) and it should work! The thing is that you can actually see and modify contents of this file in Windows, since the BOOT partition is partitioned as FAT.


Initial digital primer templates.


Hacks and Tricks

Some useful know-how for creation of Your own digital Primer.

raspi(usb)-raspi zero+inkyPhat hack

I just realized that a following hack could be worth trying:

1) we have the main PI with all pins already taken but with an available USB port

2) we connect the cheapest 5$ no-WIFI variant of RasPI Zero to the USB of the "main" PI, and we put the inkyPhat on this pi zero

3) wittyPi starts the main PI

4) power starts to flow to main PI's usb port, hence the small PI starts

5) the main PI can communicate with the zero in a sort of ethernet-emulated through USB, c.f. ... for example, an image to-be-displayed can be sent from the main PI to the zero

6) once the image is transfered and displayed on the inkyPhat, pi zero can communicate to the main PI that the job was done and halt

7) additionally, the main PI can shut down the USB port through which the zero was powered ... c.f. , if  that hub-ctrl.c will work than it is a hammer

8) when a new image is supposed to be displayed on the inkyPHAT, power flow to the USB port can be reactivated and steps 4-7 can be repeated

The idea is to counterbalance the deficit of GPIO pins on a PI with communication with "peripheral" zeros, which have a new full set of GPIOs, are small and cost 5$ a piece...

Session 1 - Primer Properties

Of main properties of the Primer, motivation behind them and means how to implement them

Propaedeutic Enchiridion

Categories of properties

  • Physische Eigenschaften 
    "embooked", einzigartig, wandelbar, modular, robust, zweiseitig
  • Kognitive Eigenschaften
    umgebungs-bewusst, zirkadian und Cron-regiert, launisch, mit Vorlieben, kooperative
  • Didaktische Eigenschaften
    behavioristisch, gewohnheits-hemmend, ludic, meta-ludic, lustig, mnemonisch, multimodal, sprachbasiert, cybertextual & wikipedisch, online-offline, geschützt, skriptbasiert, auge-2-auge, avatarisiert

Physical properties

  • "embooked" :: ist wie ein Buch

  • einzigartig :: jeder π2 kann eigenen "look" haben

  • wandelbar :: Schüler kann eigene Teile (e.g. Einband) "basteln"

  • modular

  • robust

  • bilateral :: 2 Rechnungsmodule, 2 "Augen" (Kameras), 2 "Ohren" (Mikrophonen), 2 Bildschirme (1 x OLED, 1x E-tinte) u.s.w.

Cognitive properties

  • umgebungbewußt :: kennt eigene Position in 4D, Wetter etc. (hat GNSS- / Feuchtigkeit- / Druck- sensoren usw.) 

  • circadian & Cron-basiert :: Betriebsart ändert sich je nach Zeit (e.g. "schläft" wenn das Kind auch schlafen soll)

  • launisch :: hat Launen die nicht 100% verhersehbar sind

  • mit Vorlieben :: Valorisation bestimmter Interaktionsarten

  • kooperative :: hilft dem Kind eine Aufgabe selbst zu lösen

Didactic properties

  • behavioristisch und gewohnheits-hemmend

  • ludic, meta-ludic, lustig

  • narrative :: Standardmodus ist Märchenerzählung

  • sprach-basiert :: Sprachsynthese und Spracherkennung

  • cybertextual & wikipedisch :: alle Inhalte sind gegenseitig verknüpft

  • geschützt :: Lehrer(in) bestimmt wann&wofür das Gerät on-line gehen soll

  • script-basiert:: Lehrer(in) lädt das play-book ein (c.f. Ansible)

Today's work

  • Compose two teams

  • Team 1 :: Pi 3 :: Couple the touch with the screen

  • Team 2 :: Pi Zero :: Transform inkyphat into "hello world" badge

Team 1 Protocol

  1. Establish the connection to Pi 3

  2. Find out all relevant parameters of touch & screen interfaces

  3. Develop a touch2screen mapping formula.

  4. Program a simple handwriting app in pygame

Team 2 protocol

  1. Establish the connection to Pi Zero

  2. ...


Think about all possible and impossible constraints (and obstacles) which could (and many of them also will ;) during the creative process.

Try to categorize these constraints into 3-5 main categories.

Making of a digital education artefact #2

Make-Your-Own-Device (M.Y.O.D) and upcycling approaches will be combined to attain our common goal.

Keywords: digital artefacts, raspberry PI zero, upcycling, make-your-own-device, creativity, touchless man-machine interaction, zone of proximal development, electronic ink, algorithmic drum circle

Session 4 - Material & Components

Let's start making it real.

Anna - Water
Akif - Leather, Neopren
Kohei - Metal (Aluminium)
Gero - Displays  
Daniel - paper
Nik - wood, paper, cardboard, fabric, tin

What is nice:
Ceramic, Epoxy, Stones, Marble, Resin, Fibers

Nobody mentioned:
Plastic, Concrete,  

Raspberry pi 

Der Raspberry Pi (engl. Aussprache: ˈɹɑːzbɹi 'paɪ) ist ein Einplatinencomputer, der von der britischen Raspberry Pi Foundationentwickelt wurde. Der Rechner enthält ein Ein-Chip-System von Broadcom mit einem ARM-Mikroprozessor, die Grundfläche der Platine entspricht etwa den Abmessungen einer Kreditkarte. Der Raspberry Pi kam Anfang 2012 auf den Markt; sein großer Markterfolg wird teils als Revival des bis dahin weitgehend bedeutungslos gewordenen Heimcomputers zum Programmieren und Experimentieren angesehen.[1] Der im Vergleich zu üblichen Personal Computern sehr einfach aufgebaute Rechner wurde von der Stiftung mit dem Ziel entwickelt, jungen Menschen den Erwerb von Programmier- und Hardware­kenntnissen zu erleichtern. Entsprechend niedrig wurde der Verkaufspreis angesetzt, der je nach Modell etwa 5 bis 35 USD beträgt.

Bis Ende 2017 wurden mehr als 17 Millionen Geräte verkauft.[2] Die Entwicklung des Raspberry Pi wurde mit mehreren Auszeichnungen bzw. Ehrungen bedacht. Es existiert ein großes Zubehör- und Softwareangebot für zahlreiche Anwendungsbereiche. Verbreitet ist beispielsweise die Verwendung als Mediacenter, da der Rechner Videodaten mit voller HD-Auflösung (1080p) dekodieren und über die HDMI-Schnittstelle ausgeben kann. Als Betriebssystem kommen vor allem angepasste Linux-Distributionen mit grafischer Benutzeroberfläche zum Einsatz; für das neueste Modell existiert auch Windows 10 in einer speziellen Internet-of-Things-Version ohne grafische Benutzeroberfläche. Der Startvorgang erfolgt gewöhnlich von einer wechselbaren SD-Speicherkarte als internes Boot-Medium. Bei der neueren Generation mit dem BCM2837 ist der Start auch von einem USB-Massenspeicher[3] oder Netzwerk[4]möglich. Eine native Schnittstelle für Festplattenlaufwerke ist nicht vorhanden, zusätzlicher Massenspeicher kann per USB-Schnittstelle angeschlossen werden, beispielsweise externe Festplatten bzw. SSDs oder USB-Speichersticks.


                                               Devices           Office          Daniel    Nikoloz         Georgy    Students    
Pi Zero w                                                        1
Pi Zero                                       1
Raspi 3B+                                  2                    
Raspi 4B+                                  2                     2
Raspi 3A+                                  2                    
Respeaker 4mic                                               2
Respeaker 2mic                                                                     1                                ?
Phat Dat                                                         1
Speaker Phat                                                  1
Witty pi small    2                       1                     1
Witty pi big                                                      2
Inky Phat                                                        1
Grove Sound                                                   1
Grove Ultrasound                                             1
Grove Gesture                          9?
Raspicam                                 1                     1                    1
PITFT                                                              1
Resistive HDMI                         1
Raspi B+                                  1                     1
Phat Stack                               1                      1
Skywriter                                 1                     1
E-ink                                       1
Capacitive HDMI                                              2
Strompi                                                          1
The Slate                                1 MISSING
Raspberrypi Charger               1 MISSING
E-ink 6 inch                             4
E-ink 9 inch                             2                      1 +1 BROKEN
E-ink 4.3 UART                        2                                                                                        1

Session 3 - Tools and Instruments

Nik - soldering iron
Daniel - screwdriver
Anna - pen
Kohei - measure
Akif - Swiss knife
Gero - pen

AE49SOSERundgang R311 Artefact List

Artefacts presented at AE49SOSERundgang in R311 of UdK's Medienhaus

Credits: Nikoloz Kapanadze, Astrid Kraniger, Kohei Kimura, Akif Mehmet Sari, Ozcan Ertek, Anna Petzer

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Dr. Daniel Devatman Hromada (ECDF Juniorprofessor for Digital Education)

Avatar 0

(with Chris Schmidts, Akif Sari)
Head-shaped tridecahedral (13-plane) wooden shell crafted by Chris Schmidts and filled with Raspberry pi 3A+, Seeed Respeaker (4mic circular array, ac108 converter; APA102 12-LED RGB pixel ring) enriched with UltraSonic Ranger System sending UDP packets to "active wall" installation by architecture student Akif Sari.

6-inch e-ink displays page 4. of McGuffey's Ecclectic Primer, a well-known Fibel of Victorian Era. Display is currently powered off and as such has zero carbon dioxide trace (hallo Gretha!) while still teaching Alphabet. To see more interactive e-ink setup please check the artefact CardboardFibel0.

Carboard Primer

(with Astrid Kraniger)
First functional cardboard-embedded artefact combining touchless gesture-based recognition (Seeed Grove Gesture Recognition Sensor PAJ7620U2)with an e-ink controlled by IT8591 board and some ANSI C coded  for the purpose of diagnostics of difficulties in acquisition of learning and writing (Leserechtschreibschwierigkeiten - LRS).

Diagnostics focuses on so-called "Rapid Automatized Naming" which is considered to be one among the most important LRS-predictors.

Visual content ("animal pictures") scanned from reedition of Lumen Picturae et Delineationis (Amsterdam, 1660, BE310).

Instead of a signature, this artefact contains a four-leaf clover (harvested in July) attached by duct-tape above the e-ink screen. Bottom of the cardboard shell is photovoltaic, making it possible to transform PappeFibel 0 or one of its derivatives into an energy-autarch ("eutark"; Hromada, 2019, AE49) digital education artefact.

TASK: Identify mismatch between visual and textual modality. 

INSTRUCTION OF USE: You interact with the device by moving Your hand in front of the Gesture Recognition Sensor (to the right from e-ink screen). Movement along vertical axis (up/down) maps to boolean (true/false, JA/NEIN) answers. Movement along horizontal axis (left/right) is used to browse the content. Rotation is used to switch between "learning" and "testing" mode.

CAVEAT: When changing modes of operation, new data has to be loaded into the buffer of the e-ink controller. This takes few seconds. Be patient. Breathe.

Touchless Ukulele

(with Anna Petzer)
This upcycled, portable, cable-less digital artefact combines touchless gesture-based recognition (Skywriter sensor)with a Raspberry pi 3a+ and integrated bluetooth loudspeaker.

TASK: Play with speed (time), position (space) and quality (suspense) of your hand movements. 

INSTRUCTION OF USE: You interact with the device by moving Your hand in front of the Skywriter sensor (above the sound hole of the instrument). Play the string to observe how the string vibration deforms the field measured by Skywriter. 


(with Nikoloz Kapanadze)
sonic is an experiment on the topic of screenless computers. what would our smart devices look like, and act like if they were not bound by the rectangular standard of the screen. sonic is a pair of headtracking headphones powered by a Raspberry Pi. the headtracking information is used to control a supercollider program that performs binaural processing. in  other worrds the spatial positions of sound sources are  decoupled from the listeners frame of reference. so to say the sounds stay in place as the user changes the orientation of their head. its like VR but for your ears not your eyes.

the device can also record stereo audio using the two microphones mounted on the two earcups. having microphones so close to where one's ears would be gives the sound a lot of presence.  the componnts are mounted on a pair of headphones that i've had for around five years now and the whole assembly is modular, meaning that faulty components can be easily swapped out.

sonic uses twin i2s mems microphones( SPH0645) for audio recording and a accelerometer+gyroscope+magnetometer(LSM9DS1) ic for head-tracking.

developed by Nikoloz Kapanadze

In a Praise Of Void

The stable "wall" is the very basis of land creatures and thus by "having responsive space rather than the linear presentation of the wall," the body is suddenly made aware of the situation it is in.

With the current housing crises and the reduction of the living space per person, the effect of the occupancy and void becomes more valuable day by day. But this concept, void, which can only be defined by its contrast: fullness, and which can change the perception of everyday spaces we are accustomed like a room, is not easily readable. This situation removes the concept from our daily practices and traps it in the dusty pages of abstract architectural books.

The project based on an example ordinary wall of living space offers a responsive space that will bring up a concept of void on the agenda in order to challenge perceptions of living space and physical context.

This exploration simulates an extreme architecture of responsive variable structure by suggesting a technological infrastructure with hypothetical material.

The narrative analyzes the benefits and limitations of these projects but avoids explaining the necessity and result of living in such a space. It remains speculative, is leaving the questions open for the next phases.


(with Kohei Kimura)
Skywriter + raspberry Pi zero + 3W shaker + tibetian singing bowl + physical setup by Kohei Kimura 

CyberPlant 0

(with Ozcan Ertek)

Zeus erscheint Eva in Gestalt einer elliptischen Kurve

Respeaker 2 Bluetooth Alsa stream

arecord -Dac108 -f S32_LE -r 16000 -c 2 om.wav & sleep 1 ; aplay -c 2 -D bluealsa:HCI=hci0,DEV=FC:58:FA:BF:4E:0E,PROFILE=a2dp om.wav


Connecting a Bluetooth speaker to a Raspberry Pi Zero W running Raspian Stretch Lite

  1. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

  2. sudo apt-get install bluealsa

  3. sudo service bluealsa start

  4. Switch on your bluetooth device

  5. sudo bluetoothctl

  6. scan on

  7. pair XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX (replace the XXXXX with your device ID)

  8. trust XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX

  9. connect XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX

  10. exit

  11. aplay -D bluealsa:HCI=hci0,DEV=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX,PROFILE=a2dp /usr/share/sounds/alsa/*

MODEA #2 Program

Date Topic
11.4 Introduction
18.4 Art & Artefacts
25.4 Tools & instruments
2.5 Material 
9.5 Modules and components
16.5 Making the Itty Bitty Beat Box
23.5 ECDF visit - Wilhelmstrasse 67
30.5 NO COURSE (Christihimmelfahrt)
6.6 Format 
13.6 Shell
20.6 Berlin Open Lab - Einstein Ufer UdK
27.6Optimizing & testing
4.7 Goal

Session 6 :: Format

  • In what domains of human activity do we speak about formats ?

  • In these disciplines, what kinds of formats do we know ?

  • Can we imagine other types of formats ? What are their advantages ? What are their disadvantages ?

  • What kinds of formats should we use ?

Paper format (series A, norm ISO 210)

Raspberry Pi Zero

Raspberry Pi 3A+

Image result for raspberry pi 3a+ drawing

Session 5 :: Modules and components

  • What is modularity ?

  • What are modules ?

  • What are advantages of a modular system ?

  • What are disadvantages of a modular system ?

Raspberry Pi Modules

  • HATs

  • pHATs

  • ...


  • USB

  • HDMI

  • SPI

  • I2C

  • I2S

  • ... ?

Main communication channel

MODEA #2 knot 4162 (i.e. )

Overall Entwurf

WiSe 2018/2019 Bootstrapping & exploring
SoSe 2019 Playing, specifying, defining
WiSe 2019/2020 E-paper
SoSe 2020 Machine learning, speech technologies, handwriting recognition
WiSe 2020/2021 Testing & optimizing
SoSe 2021 Deploying

WiSe 2021/2022


Over the years we’ve seen the Raspberry Pi crammed into almost any piece of hardware you can think of. Frankly, seeing what kind of unusual consumer gadget you can shoehorn a Pi into has become something of a meme in our circles. But the thing we see considerably less of are custom designed practical enclosures which actually play to the Pi’s strengths. Which is a shame, because as the MutantC created by [rahmanshaber] shows, there’s some incredible untapped potential there.

The MutantC features a QWERTY keyboard and sliding display, and seems more than a little inspired by early smartphone designs. You know, how they were before Apple came in and managed to convince every other manufacturer that there was no future for mobile devices with hardware keyboards. Unfortunately, hacking sessions will need to remain tethered as there’s currently no battery in the device. Though this is something [rahmanshaber] says he’s actively working on.

The custom PCB in the MutantC will work with either the Pi Zero or the full size variant, but [rahmanshaber] warns that the latest and greatest Pi 4 isn’t supported due to concerns about overheating. Beyond the Pi the parts list is pretty short, and mainly boils down to the 3D printed enclosure and the components required for the QWERTY board:  43 tactile switches and a SparkFun Pro Micro. Everything is open source, so you can have your own boards run off, print your case, and you’ll be well on the way to reliving those two-way pager glory days.

We’re excited to see where such a well documented open source project like MutantC goes from here. While the lack of an internal battery might be a show stopper for some applications, we think the overall form factor here is fantastic. Combined with the knowledge [Brian Benchoff] collected in his quest to perfect the small-scale keyboard, you’d have something very close to the mythical mobile Linux device that hackers have been dreaming of.


Session 2 - Art & Artefact

Before doing the theory let's test our paper airplanes!


  1. (uncountable) The conscious production or arrangement of soundscoloursformsmovements, or other elements in a manner that affects the senses and emotions, usually specifically the production of the beautiful in a graphic or plastic medium
    There is a debate as to whether graffiti is art or vandalism.
  2. (countable) Skillful creative activity, usually with an aesthetic focus.
    She's mastered the art of programming.
  3. (uncountable) The study and the product of these processes.
    He's at university to study art.


artifact (plural artifacts)

  1. An object made or shaped by human hand.

  2. (archaeology) An object, such as a toolweapon or ornament, of archaeological or historical interest, especially such an object found at an archaeological excavation. 

    The dig produced many Roman artifacts.

  3. Something viewed as a product of human conception or agency rather than an inherent element. 

  4. structure or finding in an experiment or investigation that is not a true feature of the object under observation, but is a result of external action, the test arrangement, or an experimental error.

    The spot on his lung turned out to be an artifact of the X-ray process.

  5. (biology) A structure or appearance in protoplasm due to death, method of preparation of specimens, or the use of reagents, and not present during life.

  6. An object made or shaped by some agent or intelligence, not necessarily of direct human origin.

  7. (computing) A perceptible distortion that appears in a digital image, audio or video file as a result of applying a lossy compression algorithm.

Our definitions

Akif - used to be in purpose of creating/reaching Beauty

Anna - creative way of dealing with the world

Kohei - unconvenient and innovative

Ozcan - expression of thoughts/intuitions/desires

Main principles

  1. M.Y.O.D. :: Make Your Own device

  2. Upcycle !

  3. Explore the "adjacent possible".

  4. Uniqueness and not mass production.


Prof. Dr. Dr. Daniel Hromada

  • daniel at

  • Room 313, Medienhaus

  • Sprechstunden 12:30 - 13:30

Tutors & SHK

  • Astrid Kraniger

  • Nikoloz Kapanadze

MODEA #2 - Forum

This is the place where we should start communicating.

What to do ?

I am completely lost, what should I do ?

I  T E C




P   H   Y

G R A P H I C D E S  I  G  N

Last works

Here are the

This project is a mereological suggestion based on the serial repetition of discrete parts that the architecture shapes the life of a decentralized and non-hierarchical society after a possible virus catastrophe.

I hiked many hiking trails in beautiful Norway in summer of 2017. I was overwhelmed by magical nature and created such a work.

Photography: Beauty of singularity in Norway

Design: Ortabahçe Magazine 




Hello world

Hello world (correct)


Airplane Tutorial
















Some articles related to our course.

Alan Kay - A personal computer for children of all ages

The KiddiComp concept, envisioned by Alan Kay in 1968 while a PhD candidate,and later developed and described as the Dynabook in his 1972 proposal "A personal computer for children of all ages", outlines the requirements for a conceptual portable educational device that would offer similar functionality to that now supplied via a laptop computer or (in some of its other incarnations) a tablet or slate computerwith the exception of the requirement for any Dynabook device offering near eternal battery life. Adults could also use a Dynabook, but the target audience was children.

Part of the motivation and funding for the Dynabook project came from the need for portable military maintenance, repair, and operations documentation. Eliminating the need to move large amounts of difficult-to-access paper in a dynamic military theatre provided significant US Department of Defense funding.

Though the hardware required to create a Dynabook is here today, Alan Kay still thinks the Dynabook hasn't been invented yet, because key software and educational curricula are missing. :: Phase 0 :: Permutations

Prof. Dr. Daniel D. Hromada (ECDF Juniorprofessor for Digital Education) and Nikoloz Kapanadze (Kunst und Medien; Tutor)
We present multiple digital artefacts which emerged first stage of construction of a digital Primer. These include: touchscreen&HTML5-based prototype; e-ink screen (recently broken) with touchless sensing embedded in an upcycled old book; and OID-enriched paper page from the Primer "Wir Kinder vom Zirkus Palope". 
Aside this, we'll present some additional digital artefacts exploiting the modularity and extensibility of Raspberry Pi technology: Make Your Own Instrument kits, touchless PONG-game, speak2listen headphones and a touch-the-plant botanics education setup. 



You'll get the signature only when actively participating on creating of an artefact which DOES something, e.g.

  • digital primer

  • music instrument for algorithmic drum circle

  • garden guardian

  • digital primer

  • light source

Making of a digital education artefact #3 : E-ink

Make Your Own Device ! During this seminar, we are going to familiarize ourselves with e-ink technology: what are its main (dis)advantages in comparison to dominant display technologies. And we are going to connect our e-papers to Raspberry Pis and Arduinos and create some real stuff: e-paper based wearables (maybe), the second prototype of a digital primer and who knows, maybe a cool interactive but low-consumption menu for Medienhaus cafeteria. MYOD !

Grunewaldstrasse (Medienhaus) Raum 311
Wednesday, 16:00 - 19:00
bi-weekly sessions on: 30.10, 13.11, 27.11 (Berlin Open Lab), 11.12, 18.12, 8.1., 22.1. (Einstein Center Digital Future), 5.2
Wahlfplicht, 2 credits

Overall Entwurf

WiSe 2018/2019 Bootstrapping & exploring
SoSe 2019 Playing, specifying, defining
WiSe 2019/2020 E-paper
SoSe 2020 Machine learning, speech technologies, handwriting recognition
WiSe 2020/2021 Testing & optimizing
SoSe 2021 Deploying

WiSe 2021/2022

Session AE491113

  • Introduction & recapitulation

  • UNIX warm-up

  • Exercise 1: Upload images to hon.local screens

  • PaperTTY

  • 10-minute break

  • Discussion : What would You like to make ?

  • Making, coding, sharing


  • Make Your Own Device ! (a sub-branch of DIY)

  • upcycle & recycle

  • Lean ICT & digital sobriety attitude

Why e-paper ?

  • natural
  • healthy
  • ecological
  • minimalist

Any why NOT e-paper ?

Existing devices

  • e-readers

  • notebooks (onyx)

  • phones (Mudita)

  • our own devices

What do You need in order to build a digital device ?

Components we are going to use

  • Primer :: RaspberryPi Zero, Re-speaker 2-mic array, WittyPi 3, 6-inch e-paper IT8951, 2 x Grove Gesture Recognition systems, Speaker
  • Herbarium :: Arduino, 4.3 inch e-Paper UART, 1 x Grove Gesture Recognition
  • Your project :: 

Design method

  • Goal-oriented

  • Organic

  • combining "Gedankenexperimenten" with physical-stuff (i.e. component) permutations

  • collaborative

Coding method

  • working with a real-system (advantages ? disadvantages ?)

  • tele-computational (derived from Greek τῆλε, tēle, "far")

  • command-line based

  • collaborative

Collaborative coding

  • connect to "cloud" WLAN (password: cirrocumulus)

  • open two terminal windows or tabs on Your computer

  • window1:: ssh fibel@fibel1.local

  • window2 :: ssh pi@hon.local

  • in both windows run: screen -S YOURNAME (e.g. screen -S daniel)

UNIX warm-up 0: #root

$ sudo bash

# cd /

# ls /

epaper theater

hello world

arduino two hall magnet sensors base sketch

#define Input_Left 2
#define Input_Right 3

void setup() {
  pinMode(Input_Left, INPUT);                    // Eingangspin auf Eingang stellen
  pinMode(Input_Right, INPUT);                    // Eingangspin auf Eingang stellen


  attachInterrupt(0, detectLeft, FALLING);
  attachInterrupt(1, detectRight, FALLING);

  Serial.println("Hall-Effekt-Sensor Test");

void loop() {


void detectLeft() {
  Serial.println("Left Magnet recognized");

void detectRight() {
  Serial.println("Right Magnet recognized");



  • will be on the wall

  • 3 - 5 displays eink

  • select keywords, do search, display

  • QUESTIONS : what kind of sensors ? what keywords ? how would the algorithm behave ? (how often would the content change ?)


M.O.D.E.A #4 : (Machine) learning and data (science)

In this course, we are going to follow some nice O'Reilly data science manual and, line by line, learn about meaning of terms like "feature", "multi-class classification", "training" and "cross validation" and, while doing so, acquire all necessary prerequisities of "the most sexy job of 22nd century".

We start this Friday (24th April) at 10:00 am

Session 0 :: Warm-up

Order of the day

  • 10:00 - 10:15 :: Digitales Ankommen

  • Introduction

  • Course overview

  • Machine-learning intro

  • Jupyter intro

  • Warm-up exercise (in break-out rooms ??)

  • Discussion

  • Warm-up exercise (in break-out rooms ??)

  • Discussion

Who am I ? (Daniel)

  • founder of oldest Slovak digital community
  • Bc. in humanities (Charles University in Prague) and Bc. in linguistics (Universite de Nice Sophia-Antipolis)
  • MSc. in cognitive sciences (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris)
  • PhDs. in psychology (Universite Paris 8) and cybernetics (Slovak University of Technology)
  • ex IT-Admin of UdK's Medienhaus
  • Digital Education juniorprofessor (Einstein Center Digital Future / UdK)

Who am I ? (Nik)

  • Artist and Electrical Engineer
  • Studentische Hilfskraft von Daniel
  • BA in Electrical Engineering / KuM Absolvent(Almost)

Who am I ? (Paul)

  • Artist and Programmer
  • Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter von Daniel
  • BA in Visuelle Kommunikation

M.O.D.E.A #4 : (Machine) learning and data (science)

In this course, we are going to follow some nice O'Reilly data science manual and, line by line, learn about meaning of terms like "feature", "multi-class classification", "training" and "cross validation" and, while doing so, acquire all necessary prerequisities of "the most sexy job of 22nd century".

We start this Friday (24th April) at 10:00 am

What is this course NOT about ?

it is not about neural networks *

it is not about "regression"


* well, it will be also about neural networks, but just a little bit ;)

What is this course about ?

about learning

about classification

about main machine learning concepts: true positive / true negative / false positive / false negative / feature, feature extraction, classifier, accuracy etc.

Session 1 :: 15th May :: Features 1

Core principle

Success of Your machine learning approach depends in great measure from quality of Your features.

Session 2 :: 12th June :: Classifiers

12.6.2020 / AE500612 :: Neighbors & Classifiers


Your projects


Next sessions

19.6. 12:00 - 13:30 Digital
26.6. 12:00 - 13:30 Digital
10.7. 10:00 - ?? Physical (Kleistpark)

Session 3 :: 26th June :: Evaluation & Tradeoffs

Session 4 :: 19th June :: Tradeoff

Session 5 :: 3rd July :: Integration & Deployment

M.O.D.E.A #5 : Voice and Speech - Lost in Translation

In the middle of a battle there is a company of Italian soldiers in the trenches, and a commander who issues the command “Soldiers, attack!” He cries out in a loud and clear voice to make himself heard in the midst of the tumult, but nothing happens, nobody moves. So the commander gets angry and shouts louder: “Soldiers, attack!” Still nobody moves. And since in jokes things have to happen three times for something to stir, he yells even louder: “Soldiers, attack!” At which point there is a response, a tiny voice rising from the trenches, saying appreciatively “Che bella voce!” “What a beautiful voice!” - excerpt from the book 'A Voice and nothing more' by Mladen Dolar

In this course, we are going to make your own digital artefacts in the scope of your personal interests in Voice and Speech.
Throughout the seminar, we will build our own personal speech recognition system based on machine learning which can understand (more specifically „transcribe“) human speech as a medium for our artistic practice. For the first half of the seminar, students will be introduced a domain of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) technology, and also diverse ways how speech-to-text (STT) inferences can be realized on non-cloud, local (i.e. edge-computing) architectures. It means that python programming and basic unix command line skills will be involved.
By the time we will have developed our own system, we will dive into making artfacts (media installation, educational device, musical instrument, performative material, sound works, etc, of your choice) where human and machine will communicate in human voice and speech as the second half.

*Please register for the seminar before the semester starts by e-mail.
*Seminar starts on 27.10
*A Raspi 4B and a ReSpeaker 2-Mics Pi HAT will be given to each person during the semester period.
*The seminar takes place time to time at Berlin Open Lab (Einsteinufer 43)

Session 3 - presentation

