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Old Digital Literacy
Tuesdays 13:00 - 14:00,

Semester 0 :: Historical Context
Session 6 :: Hommage to Alan Matthison Turing

Order of the day
  1. Narratio :: The imitation game
  2. Repetitio :: Babbage, Boole & Ada Lovelace
  3. Questio :: Can machines think ?
  4. Lectio ::
    • Turing machine
    • Turing test
  5. Exercitio :: Turing test.
The imitation game
Question of the day
Can machines think ?

What does it mean "to think" ?

What do You think?

philosopher's definition of "thinking"
What I want to tell You is ... that "thinking" consists of execution of operation with signs. *

* Origin of this quote is to be sought from in some later works of L.Wittgenstein.
A.M.T. OBE FRS (23.6.1912 - 7.6.1954)
a Turing machine #1
A "theoretical" machine consisting of
Visualization of the Turing Machine (Rosario van Tulpe, 2007, CC BY-SA)
a Turing machine #2
Universal Turing machine
"It is possible to invent a single machine which can be used to compute any computable sequence. If this machine U is supplied with a tape on the beginning of which is written the S.D ["standard description" of an action table] of some computing machine M, then U will compute the same sequence as M." (Turing, 1936)
Turing test

"A TT is a way how to address the question "Can machines think?" in a scientifically plausible ye deeply empathic way. More concretely, Turing (1950) proposes that the performance of an AA under question shall be evaluated by a human judge J whose objective is to determine which among two entities - with whom J is in real-time interaction - is of human and which is of artificial nature." (Hromada, 2012)

The imitation game
I propose to consider the question, "Can machines think?" This should begin with defnitions of the meaning of the terms "machine" and "think".(Turing, 1950)
Exercicio :: Musical Turing Test

You are going to hear two pieces of music. One is composed and performed by humans, another is composed and generated by an artificial system. You are going to hear both pieces twice. Subsequently, You are going to write down which piece (first or second) was composed and performed by human beings.

Disputatio : "Can machines think ?"


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