Podcast about Digital Primer broadcasted @ SWR2 Radio Wed, 22 Jun 2022 09:13:48 GMT 2022-06-22T09:13:48Z <p>Brief description of the digital Primer ("digitale Fibel") project in its earliest stage + some other remarks concerning the usage of AIs in education + an excerpt from a RaspberryPi TTS-synthetized variant of an old Slovak fairy-tale, all this and some more was part of the program "Lerning in the robotic era" broadcast by SWR2. You can download the podcast variant which You can <a title="digitale fibel podcast hromada" href="https://avdlswr-a.akamaihd.net/swr/swr2/wissen/sendungen/2019/06/swr2-wissen-spezial-20190622-lernen-fuers-roboter-zeitalter-die-kuenstlich-intelligente-gesellschaft-810.m.mp3">download here</a>. Article summarizing the Podcast is available <a href="https://www.swr.de/swr2/wissen/digitale-bildung-im-zeitalter-von-roboter-und-kuenstlicher-intelligenz,broadcastcontrib-swr-11012.html">here</a>.</p> <p>Thanks the SWR2 journalist Ms. Silvia Plahl for an agreeable interview.</p> Info