Code Experiments:
Grand Theft Author
We will study the phenomenon and practice of appropriation on all levels available to us:
- quoting in scientific writing
- literary techniques like cadavre exquis
- movements&manifests like antropofagismo / tropicalismo
- motif appropriation in music
- audio sampling in modern music
- famously (non-)litigated cases of plagiarism (Guttenberg, Vanilla Ice, The Amen Break by The Winstons)
- Linus Thorvalds, the open source movement, the git / GitHub ecosystems

For group practice, we will scour all available resources of SuperCollider code (help files, tutorials, tweet, scdoc, scsynth, ...) and assemble everything good-sounding in a massive *GTA library*. For compatibility between the pieces, we will design an ultraflexible infrastructure that uniformely digests all the various code snippets with minimal modifications, and makes them all accessible for playing with various interfaces by means of auto-mapping. Or in a different metaphor, we create an ecosystem / environment where all the code can live and communicate with us.
