Article "Three Principles, 2 Sub-principles and One Magic Wand for Harm Minimization and Prevention of Technological Addiction in Human Children" published in EIET Wed, 22 Jun 2022 09:13:48 GMT 2022-06-22T09:13:48Z <p>Article "Three Principles, 2 Sub-principles and One Magic Wand for Harm Minimization and Prevention of Technological Addiction in Human Children" has been published in a peer-reviewed journal "<a href="">Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies</a>"&nbsp;</p> <br><p>Departing from the definition of techno-addiction in terms of technology-assisted behaviour with probable detrimental consequences, we propose following guidelines could direct the design of harm-reducing technologies: gradual use-constraining, circadianity, offline preferentiality, environmental referentiality and monotasking. These guidelines can serve as criteria according to which digital technologies can be evaluated. Also, these principles can direct design of post-smartphone digital technologies which will, hopefully, reduce the cognitive and physiological harm caused by unreflected deployment of current technologies. As a concrete example of such harm-reducing technologies, we provide first insights into the structure and function of a &ldquo;magic wand&rdquo;, a make-your-own-device digital artefact satisfying the above-mentioned guidelines.</p> <br><p>Article is available here: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p> Info