Expanded Realities - Play! Real-time & Participation & Art: Blurring the EdgesWed, 22 Jun 2022 09:13:48 GMT2022-06-22T09:13:48ZBeneath the flickering light of the screens, the game has become a bridge, connecting people with each other and everything else. From one-dimensional knobs and buttons, to three-dimensional VR Glasses and controllers, the evolution of interactive devices reflects a persistent desire to shorten the gap between virtual and reality. In this Block Seminar we will feature the game engine as main creative frameworks, to pile personal narrative on the boundary of virtual, reality and past, present, future.
<br>Through practical work with basic lighting, skybox, materials and fly cameras, to integrate personal aesthetic experience gradually. Achieve the final project by various formats of distribution. The last day of this seminar you will be sharing your Final Projects/Process. Info