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What is digital education ?
meta-definition of Digital Education
Digital Education is defined as education with-digital OR education-of-digital. 

education-with-dig. education-of-dig. Digital Education
No No ?
Yes Yes ?
Yes No ?
No Yes ?

Please name some examples for each case.


"Education-of-digital is concerned with transmission of knowledge and competences related to logics, mathematics, computer science*, cybernetics, data science, electrical engineering and information, communication & media theory." (Hromada, 2018)

* "Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes." (Fellows, 1991)

the Goal

The goal of the course "Prolegomena to Educatio Digitale" is to make You not only understand, but also experience main operatory principles of information-processing machines.
Historical context
three contexts
A letter to Your future digital self
Imagine that it is now 1st January of a year 2170 AD / AE200. 

A digital copy of Your "self" has just discovered a forgotten envelope from year 2018 AD in which Your organic self listed ideas, images, dreams, hopes, insights etc. which had been important for You in days of Your distant youth.

Id est, ideas, images, dreams, hopes, insights etc. which Your future self, overloaded by almost two centuries of History, should never forget.

It is a sort of a time capsule, a sort of a "message in the bottle".

Your task in next 15 minutes is to briefly think about that list and write that letter.
Educatio Digitale : Computer Science : From Ἥφαιστος to deep fakes
What is "the Machine" and how did it develop in the course of centuries ? What is a number, digit, algorithm, representation, information, code, neural network, machine learning ? And what is the role of "humans" in the post-悟道 world ?

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