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Session 6 :: Studies to understand, explain or replicate
Session 8 :: Developmental aspects

  1. Repetitio (Theory of multiple intelligences)

  2. Some administrative stuff (we meet in Medienhaus garden next week, 12th July course etc.)

  3. Your experiments

  4. Developmental aspects

  5. The nightmare videos of children's Youtube

  6. After smartphone: towards a new digital education artefact 

Please choose one among following experiments on presentation/realisation of which You shall participate. 
Prof. Dr. Dr. Daniel Hromada

Tutors & SHK

Net links
Credits & co.

* but we do not study because of credits, do we ?
Course validation
For all:

For those who want to validate this course as Studium Generale

Date Topic
12.4 Introduction
19.4 NO COURSE (Karfreitag)
26.4 How to read scientific articles
3.5 Google, Brain & co.
10.5 Cognitive sciences
17.5 Cognitive psychology
24.5 Abstracts
31.5 OPTIONAL COURSE (Christihimmelfahrt Brückentag)
7.6 Memetic theory
14.6 Theory of multiple intelligences
21.6 Developmental aspects
28.6 Socrates & Gestalt
5.7 Symposion
12.7 Summa Summarum
Session 3 :: Google, Brain & co.
  1. Repetitio: Sessions 1 (Introduction) and 2 (How to read scientific articles)
  2. Group work 1 : Carr (2008) Is Google making us stupid ?
  3. Lectio: Brain
  4. Group work 2 : Small et al. (2009) Your Brain on Google: Patterns of Cerebral Activation during Internet Searching
  5. Anticipatio

ACHTUNG :: Today's session will be most probably the most difficult one.

Manfred Spitzer - Digitale Demenz; Smartphone Epidemy
Session 5 :: Cognitive psychology
    1. Repetitio

    2. Summing up Small et al.

    3. Lectio: cognitivism, mind, cognitive processes, cognitive biases, cognitive principles, embodied cognition

    4. Your evaluation of this course

    5. Work: Digitizing literacy: reflections on haptics of writing

    6. Experiment 1
Session 7 :: Memetic Theory

  1. Evaluation

  2. Experiment choice

  3. Theory of memes

Group 1 - Aaron, Philip
Group 2 - Frederico, Hannes
Group 3 - Astrid, Maja, Kohei
Group 4 - Adam, Patrick
Group 5 - Ozcan, Akif, Anna-Luisa
Problematic smartphone use and relations with negative affect, fear of missing out, and fear of negative and positive evaluation
For many individuals, excessive smartphone use interferes with everyday life. In the present study, we recruited a non-clinical sample of 296 participants for a cross-sectional survey of problematic smartphone use, social and non-social smartphone use, and psychopathology-related constructs including negative affect, fear of negative and positive evaluation, and fear of missing out (FoMO). Results demonstrated that FoMO was most strongly related to both problematic smartphone use and social smartphone use relative to negative affect and fears of negative and positive evaluation, and these relations held when controlling for age and gender. Furthermore, FoMO (cross-sectionally) mediated relations between both fear of negative and positive evaluation with both problematic and social smartphone use. Theoretical implications are considered with regard to developing problematic smartphone use.
Session 7 :: Theory of multiple intelligences

  1. Repetitio

  2. Theory of multiple intelligences

  3. Experiments

  4. After smartphone: towards a new digital education artefact 

Introductory video
Digital Culture :: Cognitive Context :: Handouts
Stuff to read.
If You have any course-related questions, please ask them here.

(use the "Create child knot" button below to pose a new question)
Session 4 :: Cognitive context

  1. Repetitio

  2. Group work 1: Interpreting Small et al. (2009)

  3. Lectio: Cognition, cognitive sciences, cognitive functions, cognitive psychology

  4. Group work 2: Sentiment detection in "Meet Your iBrain" article

  5. Your evaluation of this course

  6. Experiment 0

Session 2 :: How to read and understand scientific papers.
Presentation by Dr. M. Mihalilkova.

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