Hybrid Systems: - ALCHI - Artificial Life Care for Hybrid Intelligences Wed, 22 Jun 2022 09:13:48 GMT 2022-06-22T09:13:48Z What forms of dialogue arise between a communicating ensemble of electronic bodies and a group of humans over a long time? <br>During this semester, we have the rare opportunity to foster, nurture, and groom an existing family of hybrid intelligences, created for the successful DeepSea exhibition for ctm Vorspiel. <br>The network of algorithmic objects will be installed on public display at State Studio Gallery during the semester: as a work-in-progress, we are invited to reconsider behavioural and aesthetical aspects of the existing bodies, create new spin-offs (in cooperation with Christian Schmidts from UdK's Architecture Department) and integrate autonomous objects into the network. Info