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cognitive
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is
a
systematic
pattern
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Norm
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philosophy
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https
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en
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wikipedia
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Norm_
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philosophy
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or
rationality
in
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Individuals
create
their
own
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subjective
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Social
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en
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wikipedia
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wiki
/
Social_reality
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social
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from
their
perception
of
the
input
.
An
individual
'
s
construction
of
social
reality
,
not
the
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Objectivity
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en
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wikipedia
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wiki
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Objectivity_
(
philosophy
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objective
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input
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may
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Behaviour
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en
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org
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Behaviour
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behaviour
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in
the
social
world
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Thus
,
cognitive
biases
may
sometimes
lead
to
perceptual
distortion
,
inaccurate
judgment
,
illogical
interpretation
,
or
what
is
broadly
called
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Irrationality
"
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https
://
en
.
wikipedia
.
org
/
wiki
/
Irrationality
">
irrationality
a
>.<
br
/><
br
/><
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Some
cognitive
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Bias
"
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https
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en
.
wikipedia
.
org
/
wiki
/
Bias
">
biases
a
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are
presumably
adaptive
.
Cognitive
biases
may
lead
to
more
effective
actions
in
a
given
context
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Furthermore
,
allowing
cognitive
biases
enable
faster
decisions
which
can
be
desirable
when
timeliness
is
more
valuable
than
accuracy
,
as
illustrated
in
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title
="
Heuristics
in
judgment
and
decision
-
making
"
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="
https
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en
.
wikipedia
.
org
/
wiki
/
Heuristics_in_judgment_and_decision
-
making
">
heuristics
a
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>
Definitely
check
the
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title
=""
href
="
https
://
en
.
wikipedia
.
org
/
wiki
/
List_of_cognitive_biases
">
List
of
cognitive
biases
a
>