Take home lesson Wed, 22 Jun 2022 09:13:48 GMT 2022-06-22T09:13:48Z There's a lot of activity going on in our mindbrain and some thoughts / behaviours / needs acting in our brain have their "own" interests! <div>&nbsp;</div> <div><img src="https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Shahriman_Zainal_Abidin/publication/259524711/figure/fig1/AS:339673143627784@1457995796319/Freuds-iceberg-model-of-unconscious-pre-conscious-and-conscious-levels.png" alt="Freud's iceberg model of unconscious, pre-conscious and conscious levels &Acirc;&nbsp;" /><br />P.S. and it may be the case that machines, "they themselves", have also their "own" replicatory interests</div> Info