Touchless Ukulele Wed, 22 Jun 2022 09:13:48 GMT 2022-06-22T09:13:48Z This upcycled, portable, cable-less digital artefact combines touchless gesture-based recognition (Skywriter sensor)with a Raspberry pi 3a+ and integrated bluetooth loudspeaker. <br><br>TASK: <strong>Play with speed (time), position (space) and quality (suspense) of your hand movements</strong><strong>.</strong> <br><br>INSTRUCTION OF USE: You interact with the device by moving Your hand in front of the Skywriter sensor (above the <span class="ILfuVd"><span class="e24Kjd">sound </span></span>hole of the instrument). Play the string to observe how the string vibration deforms the field measured by Skywriter.  Info