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0th Meeting :: 16th October
8th Meeting :: 12th December :: Invited speaker
11th Meeting :: 23rd January :: Who is the teacher ?
3rd Meeting :: 7th November :: What is Fairy Tale in Post-Industrial society? by Dr. G. Bagdasarov
What is Fairy Tale in Post-Industrial society?
During the almost more than 80 000 years Fairy Tale was one of the most important if not the only one epistemological instruments for education. Within the past 300 years such role is slowly shifted by other educational tools co-developing with industrial development of society. We'll discuss the role of Fairy Tale as an educational tool as well as it's transformation and substitution of it's function within the context of industrialization of society.
4th Meeting :: What is learning ?
Brunner, Feurstein, Piaget
10th Meeting :: 9th January :: Who is an apprentice ?
5th Meeting :: 21st November :: course canceled
13th Meeting :: 30th January :: non-digital group(s)
Each student who wants to validate this course as members of the "non-digital" should become a part of group which is going to teach and lead a 45-minute course.
Make sure You define:
0) where ? (e.g. classroom, hall, street, atelier, garden)
1) question which is going to be addressed by the course 2) target audience (pre-schoolers ? pupils ? adolescents ? adults ? alzheimer patients ?) 3) instruments and media You are going to use (digital media not allowed for non-dig. groups)
6th Meeting :: What is reform pedagogy ?
Montessori, Steiner, Freinet
15th Meeting :: 13th February :: Invitatio to Bildung Digitale
7th Meeting :: 5th December :: What is school ?
Herbart, Humbold, Fra Bartolomeo
1st Meeting :: From Goal to Definition
9th meeting :: What is Enlightenment ?
12th Meeting :: 23th January :: Who is the Hebamme ?
14th Meeting :: 6th Feburary :: digital group(s) teaching concept
Each student who wants to validate this course as members of the "digital" should become a part of group which is going to teach and lead a 45-minute course.
Make sure You define: 0) where ? (e.g. classroom, hall, street, garden, atelier) 1) question which is going to be addressed by the course 2) target audience (pre-schoolers ? pupils ? adolescents ? adults ? alzheimer patients ?) 3) instruments and media You are going to use (at least one kind of digital instrument or medium obligatory for members of the dig. group)