4th Meeting :: What is learning  ?
Brunner, Feurstein, Piaget
Pragmatic answer
Learning is a process which increases Your fitness and enriches Your cognition.
Theoretical answer
"Learning is a form of evolution."

(Prolegomena Paedagogica, page 3)

  • Autonomous decision making

  • Ability to react to environment to improve own state

  • Ability to understand

  • About reflecting ("the more one reflects, the more intelligent one is")

  • Understanding abstract concepts ("ability to imagine which is not there/tangible")

  • Withstand impulsive behaviour

Multiple intelligences ?

  1. musical-rhythmic,

  2. visual-spatial,

  3. verbal-linguistic,

  4. logical-mathematical,

  5. bodily-kinesthetic,

  6. interpersonal,

  7. intrapersonal,

  8. naturalistic

Of teaching and learning
"Das Lehren ist darum schwerer als das Ler­nen, weil Lehren heißt: lernen lassen."

Martin Heidegger
