4th Meeting :: What is learning  ?


Brunner, Feurstein, Piaget

Multiple intelligences ?

1575536656 / AE491205

  1. musical-rhythmic,

  2. visual-spatial,

  3. verbal-linguistic,

  4. logical-mathematical,

  5. bodily-kinesthetic,

  6. interpersonal,

  7. intrapersonal,

  8. naturalistic

6th Meeting :: What is reform pedagogy ?


Montessori, Steiner, Freinet

Commonalities among Waldorf / Montessori / Freinet

1574188764 / AE491119

"Head. Heart. Hand"

child-oriented and NOT market-oriented attitude ("We are teachers and not businessmen.")

integrative, holistic and synthetic

increased amount of manual, haptic or corporal activity

higher amount of parent and pupil participation

egalitarian interaction between classes and ages

own instruments and media

7th Meeting :: 5th December :: What is school ?


Herbart, Humbold, Fra Bartolomeo

Ideal school

1581584885 / AE500213

Digital school

1581585139 / AE500213

Good teacher

1580378457 / AE500130

Bad teacher

1580379843 / AE500130