Wed, 22 Jun 2022 09:13:48 GMT 2022-06-22T09:13:48Z <p><br />Website informing about didactic and research activites of Prof. Dr. Dr. Daniel D. Hromada, Digital Education (digitale Bildung) juniorprofessor affiliated to both&nbsp;<a style="background-color: transparent; color: #1eaedb;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Berlin University of the Arts</a>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<a style="background-color: transparent; color: #1eaedb;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Einstein Center Digital Future</a>.</p> <p>Majority of presentations linked on this site are stored as knots of Kastalia Knowledge Managements System (Kastalia KMS) and use deck.js, impress.js or reveal.js frameworks as frontend. <br /><br />This means that <strong>You can move between slides of these presentations either by pressing diverse arrow keys to move backwards (resp. forwards) in the presentation, or by pressing a blank space ("space bar") key to move to next slide.</strong></p> <p><strong>digitale <a title="fibel deutsch" href="">Fibel</a>:&nbsp;</strong><a style="background-color: transparent; color: #1eaedb;" title="deutsche Silben" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Silben</a>&nbsp;<a style="background-color: transparent; color: #1eaedb;" title="silbenmemory" href="!memory" target="_blank" rel="noopener">(Memory)</a> &nbsp; <a style="background-color: transparent; color: #1eaedb;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Silbenketten</a> &nbsp; <a style="background-color: transparent; color: #1eaedb;" title="deutsche W&ouml;rter" href=";rter" target="_blank" rel="noopener">W&ouml;rter</a> &nbsp; <a style="background-color: transparent; color: #1eaedb;" title="Zirkus Palope" href=";rter/Namen/Palope" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Pal<span style="color: blue;">o</span>p<span style="color: yellow;">e</span></a> &nbsp;<a style="background-color: transparent; color: #1eaedb;" title="deutsche S&auml;tze" href=";tze" target="_blank" rel="noopener">S&auml;tze</a> &nbsp; <a style="background-color: transparent; color: #1eaedb;" title="deutsche Alphabet" href=";tze/Das deutsche Alphabet" target="_blank" rel="noopener">deutsches Alphabet</a> &nbsp; <a style="background-color: transparent; color: #1eaedb;" title="Zungenbrecher" href=";tze/Zungenbrecher" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Zungenbrecher</a> &nbsp;<a style="background-color: transparent; color: #1eaedb;" title="deutsche Texte" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Texte</a> &nbsp;<a style="background-color: transparent; color: #1eaedb;" href=";ne Texte/M&auml;rchen" target="_blank" rel="noopener">M&auml;rchen</a>&nbsp;<a style="background-color: transparent; color: #1eaedb;" title="Witze f&uuml;r Kinder" href=" Texte/Witze" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Witze</a></p> <p><strong>Course(s):</strong></p> <p>Old Digital Literacy ::&nbsp;<a style="background-color: transparent; color: #1eaedb;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Initiation</a> &nbsp;<a style="background-color: transparent; color: #1eaedb;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Mythology</a> <a style="background-color: transparent; color: #1eaedb;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Antiquity</a> <a style="background-color: transparent; color: #1eaedb;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Darkages</a> <a style="background-color: transparent; color: #1eaedb;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Renaissance</a> <a style="background-color: transparent; color: #1eaedb;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Lumieres</a> <a style="background-color: transparent; color: #1eaedb;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Steampunk</a> <a style="background-color: transparent; color: #1eaedb;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Turing</a></p> <p>Making of a digital education artefact ::&nbsp;<a style="background-color: transparent; color: #1eaedb;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Initiation</a>&nbsp;<a style="background-color: transparent; color: #1eaedb;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Embooking</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a style="background-color: transparent; color: #1eaedb;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">E-paper</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a style="background-color: transparent; color: #1eaedb;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Data science and machine learning</a>&nbsp;</p> <p>Bildung Biodigitale ::&nbsp;<a href="">Of organic and digital trees</a><br /><br /></p> <p><strong>Project(s):&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>Academia ::&nbsp;<a style="background-color: transparent; color: #1eaedb;" href=""></a>&nbsp;<a style="background-color: transparent; color: #1eaedb;" href="">digital Primer</a>&nbsp;<a style="background-color: transparent; color: #1eaedb;" href="">kastalia KMS&nbsp;</a>&nbsp;<a style="background-color: transparent; color: #1eaedb;" href=""></a></p> <p>Research ::&nbsp;<a style="background-color: transparent; color: #1eaedb;" href="">Research Gate</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="">ORCID</a></p> <p>Private ::&nbsp;<a href=""></a>&nbsp;<a href=""></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /><br />Avatars &amp; IDs :: <a href=""></a>&nbsp; <a href="">LinkedIn</a>&nbsp;<a href="">Github</a>&nbsp;</p> <p>Matrix (m3x) homeserver ::&nbsp;<a href=""></a></p> <p><strong>Feeds:</strong></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">RSS</a>, @DigiEduBerlin (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Instagram</a>,<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Twitter</a>)</p> Info Symposion on moral & legal alignment 2025-02-19 17:41:07 Article on narrative AIED presented at ICERI2024 2024-11-28 13:24:17 Double success at Prix Ars Electronica 2024-10-02 14:07:32 Participants of 0th Berlin Symposium on Reading Acquistion in Epoch of Artificial Intelligence vote that AIs should be used as educational assistants of human teachers, but not autonomous stand-alones 2024-06-24 13:16:16 Invitation to join 0th Berlin Symposium on Reading Acquistion in Epoch of Artificial Intelligence 2024-04-03 09:46:28 Personal Primer submitted to Prix Ars Electronica 2024-03-20 14:49:39 First UDK.AI LLMs and datasets on Huggingface 2024-01-29 11:06:43 Talk about past, present and future of AI at Freie Universität 2023-12-01 14:15:18 Final report for project online 2023-12-01 14:10:36 Human-Machine Peer Learning and Personal Primer presented at OEB2023 2023-12-01 11:29:27 Impulse talk "Green Illusions & Solarpunk dreams: Future of digital sustainability" 2023-10-13 08:47:02 Personal Primer code on GitHub 2023-10-13 08:28:34 gaining visibility 2023-09-19 13:36:50 Contribution to Archaeoriddle #0 2023-09-04 08:48:52 Invitation to Make Your Own Embooked Speech-Based Educational Artifact at INTERSPEECH 2023 2023-08-30 11:44:50 Fulltext of article "Digital Primer Implementation of Human-Machine Peer Learning for Reading Acquisition" under open access 2023-08-27 21:36:34 The Art of the Curve & Young Hacker's Illustrated Primer at Chaos Communication Camp 2023 2023-08-16 22:17:23 Plethora of art pieces presented at UdK's Rundgang 2023 2023-07-27 11:52:09 Two proposals accepted for Chaos Communication Camp 2023 2023-07-17 13:23:00 Code for UDK.AI bot now on Github 2023-06-11 10:10:49 domain activated 2023-05-24 10:15:30 "Digital Primer Implementation of Human- Machine Peer Learning for Reading Acquisition" pre-print 2023-05-23 14:50:15 Personal Primer project has been accepted in INTERSPEECH 2023 Show and Tell 2023-05-22 13:31:02 UDK.AI bot activated 2023-04-27 09:08:32 Beta version of German digital primer ( digitale Fibel ) app activated 2023-03-21 21:56:56 Article about "Human-Machine Peer Learning" published in Frontiers in Education 2023-02-21 15:27:43 First DeepSpeech models of Slovak and HighSorbian languages submitted to Mozilla's "our voices" competition 2022-10-20 09:48:21 Solar artefact workshop and Bildung Biodigitale talk @ Bits & Bäume 2022-10-10 14:35:55 Talk at 27th Germanistentag 2022-10-10 14:26:34 Article "teacher.js: A low-bandwidth Digital Tool for Outdoor Online Teaching" now published in IEEE Proceedings 2022-09-22 15:23:10 "Digital Primer" and "Speech recognition on the edge" were presented in TSD 2022 Conference 2022-09-12 10:16:27 Projects from the seminar "Bildung Biodigitale 1 :: Plants" 2022-08-02 08:35:26 Some recent talks and presentations 2022-08-01 15:48:04 The artwork 'ISWISK' is presented to xCoAx 2022 Conference 2022-07-14 08:57:01 Lightning Talk about Digitally Assisted Outdoor Teaching Presented at Stiftverband's Lehrkonferenz 2022-07-08 09:53:44 Congratulations to Jung Hsu & Natalia Rivera for winning 1st prize at Ars Electronica 2022-06-22 09:04:55 presented at 5th virtual meeting of AG Leseverstehen 2022-05-20 04:35:38 Talk on archives for Design & Computation students 2022-05-06 18:09:45 lesen-mikroserver repository on GitHub 2022-03-30 09:19:25 More than dozen student project presented at WTF edition of Futurological congress AE920214 2022-03-22 17:45:38 First international presentation of teacher.js at IEEE ECEI 2022 2022-03-22 17:29:46 UdK involved in very first iteration of the Synthux Academy Hackathon 2022-02-11 09:06:32 Article "Three Principles, 2 Sub-principles and One Magic Wand for Harm Minimization and Prevention of Technological Addiction in Human Children" published in EIET 2022-02-11 08:00:07 teacher.js presented at University:Future Festival 2021 2021-10-14 14:34:39 Presentation at NFDI4Culture Digitalisation Barcamp 2021-10-08 18:35:33 Website of DigiEduPrimer Hackathon activated 2021-10-06 07:49:24 "A talk which never took place" concluded the zeroth edition of Crypto Castle Symposium 2021-08-26 16:07:39 Voynich Manuscript article now at arXiv 2021-08-17 08:26:04 Introductory talk "What is AI about?" to students of UdK's GWK 2021-07-02 15:12:18 teacher.js prototype presented at 0th edition of Berlin Open Lab Symposium 2021-05-18 10:45:43 Udk2030 Documentation NFT Token 2021-03-11 17:10:03 Small syllabic lexicon of german words added to contents 2021-03-10 15:45:50 project initiated 2021-02-26 12:49:16 Kastalia KMAS presented at AG Online Lehre 2021-02-25 13:15:47 webapp alpha version activated 2021-01-31 22:11:47 Senior Fellowship in Innovations in University Teaching 2021-01-31 22:00:44 First BigBlueButton Level B1 Presentation given 2021-01-22 11:18:51 Running tensorflow lite on a pi zero (armv6) 2020-11-26 14:45:47 Kastalia KMS already containing more than 11111 knots 2020-11-23 10:47:52 Unabriged version of the article "Integer-based nomenclature for the ecosystem of lexically repetitive expressions in complete works of William Shakespeare" now under Open Access 2020-11-23 10:34:46 :: a beautifully human success 2020-11-23 09:15:41 Project proposal "UdK2030 Holo-Chronik v0.1" obtains KKWV funding 2020-11-23 09:40:03 Nikoloz Kapanadze presents his Esonic ambisonic headset at the workshop of NordiChi conference 2020-11-23 11:08:19 Medienhaus/ goes into production 2020-11-23 08:57:55 Article "Digital education: ”education-with” / ”education-about” distinction and the teleological definition" now under Open Access 2020-10-06 09:49:02 New Team Member: Hibiki Ishima 2020-09-09 11:03:47 Participation in the 9th Münster Workshop for School Informatics 2020 2020-09-09 10:58:32 Digital Primer Code is now on Github 2020-05-12 13:28:25 New team Member: Paul Seidler 2020-09-09 09:49:16 Prototype 1 of a digital Primer presented at ECDF's Industry Day 2020-01-21 16:15:40 brings Steiner's, Montessoris and Freinet's ideals into the RaspberryPi age 2019-11-29 18:35:39 Talk "CO2-Neutrality and Digital School: can we align them ?" now on-line 2019-11-20 15:16:22 Kastalia KMS presented at UdK Zukunftstag 2030 2019-11-05 12:33:54 Invited talk about reduction of energy trace of UdK’s Medienhaus at Klasse Klima 2019-11-04 16:01:27 Invited talk at Campus-Innovation conference 2020-09-08 15:37:37 up & running 2020-09-08 14:57:11 Article "After smartphone : Towards a new digital education artefact" published in Revue Enfance 2020-09-08 15:24:53 Make Your Own Device (MYOD) to be introduced at 2020-09-08 15:40:46 Podcast about Digital Primer broadcasted @ SWR2 Radio 2020-09-08 15:42:05 First batch of digital artefacts presented at UdK's Rundgang 2020-09-08 15:44:31 First participation at Berlin's Long Night of the Sciences 2019 2020-09-08 15:49:36 Article "Circadian and eutark reduction of energy trace of a digital school" accepted for publication 2020-09-08 15:51:43 Prolegomena students organize 0th edition of "The futurological congress AE100 2020-09-08 15:54:44 Prolegomena students meet prof. Zuse 2020-09-08 15:56:16 Vivisection of digital infrastructure of UdK's Medienhaus 2020-09-08 15:58:09 To BYOD or not to BYOD in an elementary school ? 2020-09-08 16:00:05 Core of Fibel's speech recognition engine compiled on an embedded-system 2020-09-08 16:01:52 First evaluations of the Prolegomena series 2020-09-08 16:08:53 Prolegomena to Educatio Digitale initiated 2020-09-08 16:10:43 UdK Wintersemester 2018/2019 courses 2020-09-08 16:12:53 Presentation @ ECDF 2018 Industry Forum 2020-09-08 16:15:10