Kastalia KMS presented at UdK Zukunftstag 2030 Wed, 22 Jun 2022 09:13:48 GMT 2022-06-22T09:13:48Z <p>Version v0.42 of the knowledge-management system (KMS) Kastalia has been presented as part of 2nd "Future day" organized by Berlin University of the Arts. Installation named "kastalia.medienhaus v0.42 :: 4 views" was a first public display of the system which is, since winter semester 2016 used as a singular tool for creation of collaborative presentations by study programs Kunst und Medien (KuM) and Visuelle Kommunikation (VK) of UdK's Faculty of Design.</p> <p>As of 24th october 2019 kastalia's database contained 3846 "knots" ("Ding an sich") interconnected with "5226" bounds which can be displayed (as "Ding für uns") by > 79 different templates, thus generating at least 69 * 3846 = 265374 distinct and unique "views".  What was presented at UdK's Zukunfstag were four such views.</p> <p>In short, Kastalia can be described as a collaborative swiss-knife of web-publishing, data-management and archivation. Asides being used as a collaborative presentation tool by all classes, workshops and labors of <a href="https://foliae.medienhaus.udk-berlin.de/vk">VK</a> and <a href="https://foliae.medienhaus.udk-berlin.de/kum">KuM</a> study programs,  kastalia also played a minor role in archiving the outputs of first edition of UdK2030, plays an instrumental role in creation of german-language corpus for the project of digital primer (digitale fibel) and is a backend for systems as diverse as Medienhaus cafeteria display, <a href="https://repetitio.digital.udk-berlin.de">repetitio.digital.udk-berlin.de</a> as well as the website You are reading in this very moment (e.g. <a href="https://bildung.digital.udk-berlin.de">bildung.digital.udk-berlin.de</a>).</p> Info