Hybrid Systems: "Just a Moment of Patience"
--¡¡ changed from VDL listing due to current online-teaching condition !!--

What things would we like to grow exponentially?

Where would we be happy if trend curves were un-flattened?

In the Hybrid Systems course, we go viral with a very harmless, but massive data collection, aquiring voice recordings from our social network. Compiling them in a database, we will create algorithms that sequence them into a continuous collaborative sound stream that can become a permanent broadcast: The voice of the multitude.
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2020-04-13 17:38:10.819422 alberto-decampo@medienhaus.udk-berlin.de executed add_bound with variables "obj"=>"7620", "ord"=>"1", "sub"=>"221", "bound_id"=>"19565", "predicate"=>"is_parent"
CC BY-NC-SA UdK Medienhaus 2017-2020 / AE47-AE50