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Who am I ? (Daniel)
Introduction :: Formalities

As long as the physical access to University si forbidden, we are going to meet in this Big Blue Button room.

You can get here by one single click from the address BAUMHAUS.DIGITAL

Modules : You can validate this course either as seminar of module Wissenschaften (VK), Theorie (KuM) or Studium Generale course.

Leistungsnachweis : Seed, plant or create an organic, digital or artistic tree and present the report about its growth.

You'll get two credits for Studium Generale (+positive note if You're exceptional); 3 credits for Wissenschaften (or 5 if You would write a 8-10 page essay).

Introduction :: digital ediquette

Please have Your camera turned off and microphone muted when You're not speaking.

Make sure that You use as stable & fast connection as possible (for example, connect through cable and not WLAN; if using WLAN, try to be in the same room as Your router etc.)

Before complaining that something does not work, try to solve a problem Yourself.

Be playful: start exploring functionalities like "chat" and "shared notes"

In case You feel really really lost, write a chat message to Paul, Felipe, Nikoloz or Dorothea.


Remember: friendship is everything

Ausatmen 0 :: Please introduce Yourself
Einatmen 1 (BIO)
Ausatmen 1 (BIO) :: Discussion
Ask, criticize, go for it !
Einatmen 2 (DIGITAL) :: Formal Systems
WIKI :: A formal system is used for inferring theorems from axioms according to a set of rules. Each formal system uses primitive symbols (which collectively form an alphabet) to finitely construct a formal language from a set of axiomst through inferential rules of formationThe system thus consists of valid formulas built up through finite combinations of the primitive symbols—combinations that are formed from the axioms in accordance with the stated rules.
Ausatmen 2 (DIGITAL) :: Break-out room test
You are now going to be randomly divided into 3 break-out rooms.

Please try to discuss the question "What is a formal system ?" and why does Douglas Hofstadter represents it as a "tree" in his marvelous book "Godel, Escher, Bach" ?
yatra vanam tatra vrksah
where forest there tree

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