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Who am I ? (Daniel)
M.O.D.E.A #4 : (Machine) learning and data (science)
In this course, we are going to follow some nice O'Reilly data science manual and, line by line, learn about meaning of terms like "feature", "multi-class classification", "training" and "cross validation" and, while doing so, acquire all necessary prerequisities of "the most sexy job of 22nd century".

We start this Friday (24th April) at 10:00 am
Order of the day
Who am I ? (Paul)
Who am I ? (Nik)
What is this course about ?

about learning

about classification

about main machine learning concepts: true positive / true negative / false positive / false negative / feature, feature extraction, classifier, accuracy etc.

What is this course NOT about ?

it is not about neural networks *

it is not about "regression"


* well, it will be also about neural networks, but just a little bit ;)

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