You
are
going
to
be
randomly
associated
into
five
"
break
-
out
"
rooms
.
<
br
/><
br
/>
Within
each
room
,
address
the
question
"
What
is
an
organic
tree
?"
with
words
,
pictures
,
songs
,
free
associations
.<
br
/><
br
/>(
if
You
use
the
"
shared
whiteboard
"
functionality
don
'
t
forget
to
make
a
screenshot
before
the
break
-
out
room
closes
)<
br
/><
br
/>
You
have
minutes
.
Afterwards
,
each
group
'
s
speaker
will
be
asked
to
do
a
min
report
.<
br
/><
br
/>
:
There
is
no
correct
or
incorrect
answer
.