Avalon = Insula Pomorum

1588110844 / AE500428

Iðunn and Loki

1588106885 / AE500428

The Garden of Hesperides

1588106688 / AE500428

Atalante and Hippomenes

1588112200 / AE500428

The Judgment of Paris

1588112536 / AE500428

Adam and Eve

1588111687 / AE500428

... in Music, Poetry and folklore ...

1588113301 / AE500428

Mozart :: in einem kleinen Apfel

Goethe :: Valpurgis night discussion between Dr. Faust and Gretchen

Der über uns" (G.E. Lessing)

E.T.A. Hoffman :: Der goldne Topf

Grimm brothaz' :: Frau Holle; Snow white

Schiller :: William Tell

can You name some other song / myth / fairy tale / piece of art where apples play a role ?

... in science ...

1588113696 / AE500428

... in business and marketing

1588114182 / AE500428