Prolegomena to Educatio Digitale
Prolegomena to Educatio Digitale :: Historical Context
an introductory Studium Generale course by Prof. Dr. Dr. Daniel D. Hromada    
What is digital education ?
meta-definition of Digital Education
Digital Education is defined as education with-digital OR education-of-digital. 

education-with-dig. education-of-dig. Digital Education
No No ?
Yes Yes ?
Yes No ?
No Yes ?

Please name some examples for each case.


"Education-of-digital is concerned with transmission of knowledge and competences related to logics, mathematics, computer science*, cybernetics, data science, electrical engineering and information, communication & media theory." (Hromada, 2018)

* "Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes." (Fellows, 1991)

the Goal

The goal of the course "Prolegomena to Educatio Digitale" is to make You not only understand, but also experience main operatory principles of information-processing machines.
three contexts

  • historical context (1st semester)

  • cognitive context (2nd semester)

  • sociocultural context (3rd semester)

Historical context

  • Description of historical development of main concepts of computer science (computation, code, machine, information, algorithm, input/output, instruction etc.).

  • Course curriculum mirrors the "historical curriculum".

A letter to Your future digital self
Imagine that it is now 1st January of a year 2170 AD / AE200. 

A digital copy of Your "self" has just discovered a forgotten envelope from year 2018 AD in which Your organic self listed ideas, images, dreams, hopes, insights etc. which had been important for You in days of Your distant youth.

Id est, ideas, images, dreams, hopes, insights etc. which Your future self, overloaded by almost two centuries of History, should never forget.

It is a sort of a time capsule, a sort of a "message in the bottle".

Your task in next 15 minutes is to briefly think about that list and write that letter.
Educatio Digitale : Computer Science : From Ἥφαιστος to deep fakes
What is "the Machine" and how did it develop in the course of centuries ? What is a number, digit, algorithm, representation, information, code, neural network, machine learning ? And what is the role of "humans" in the post-悟道 world ?
Digital Culture :: Cognitive Context 
Key topics: brain, smartphone addiction, no-mobile-phobia, habit formation, exploitation of dopaminergic system by "social media"

Main focus of our discussions will be put on analysis of impact of digital media on psychology of children and adolescents.

At the beginning of the semester students will divide into small groups and each group will be asked to choose, read, understand and reproduce one experiment known from scientific literature.
Session 6 :: Studies to understand, explain or replicate
  • Repetitio: Cognitive sciences, cognitivism, cognitive blindness and the unicycle clown, cognitive principles and biases
  • Minilectio: Confirmation bias
  • Group work: "Digitizing literacy"
  • Initiatio to experiments of interest
  • Evaluatio
Digital Culture :: Cognitive Context :: Handouts
Stuff to read.
If You have any course-related questions, please ask them here.

(use the "Create child knot" button below to pose a new question)
Prof. Dr. Dr. Daniel Hromada

  • daniel at

  • Room 313, Medienhaus

  • Sprechstunden 12:30 - 13:30

Tutors & SHK

  • Astrid Kraniger

  • Nikoloz Kapanadze

Introductory video
Session 7 :: Memetic Theory

  1. Evaluation

  2. Experiment choice

  3. Theory of memes

Date Topic
12.4 Introduction
19.4 NO COURSE (Karfreitag)
26.4 How to read scientific articles
3.5 Google, Brain & co.
10.5 Cognitive sciences
17.5 Cognitive psychology
24.5 Abstracts
31.5 OPTIONAL COURSE (Christihimmelfahrt Brückentag)
7.6 Memetic theory
14.6 Theory of multiple intelligences
21.6 Developmental aspects
28.6 Socrates & Gestalt
5.7 Symposion
12.7 Summa Summarum
Group 1 - Aaron, Philip
Group 2 - Frederico, Hannes
Group 3 - Astrid, Maja, Kohei
Group 4 - Adam, Patrick
Group 5 - Ozcan, Akif, Anna-Luisa
Credits & co.

  • You can validate the course either as Wissenschaften / Theorie fach or Studium Generale course

  • in both cases I can give only 2 credits *

  • those who opt for the Studium Generale option and do particulary well can get note "eins" auf SG-schein

* but we do not study because of credits, do we ?
Manfred Spitzer - Digitale Demenz; Smartphone Epidemy

  • Introduce You to cognitive sciences

  • Show You how to work with scientific literature

  • Get our digital habits under control

  • do some experiments

  • learn something from You and have fun

Session 7 :: Theory of multiple intelligences

  1. Repetitio

  2. Theory of multiple intelligences

  3. Experiments

  4. After smartphone: towards a new digital education artefact 

Session 5 :: Cognitive psychology
    1. Repetitio

    2. Summing up Small et al.

    3. Lectio: cognitivism, mind, cognitive processes, cognitive biases, cognitive principles, embodied cognition

    4. Your evaluation of this course

    5. Work: Digitizing literacy: reflections on haptics of writing

    6. Experiment 1
Course validation
For all:

  • attendance at least 60% of seminars obligatory

  • participation in the group work

For those who want to validate this course as Studium Generale

  • if You visit more than 10 out of 12 sessions and do the group work, You're done

  • if You visit more than 7 courses, You'll have to do additional compensation work

Session 4 :: Cognitive context

  1. Repetitio

  2. Group work 1: Interpreting Small et al. (2009)

  3. Lectio: Cognition, cognitive sciences, cognitive functions, cognitive psychology

  4. Group work 2: Sentiment detection in "Meet Your iBrain" article

  5. Your evaluation of this course

  6. Experiment 0

Please choose one among following experiments on presentation/realisation of which You shall participate. 
Session 3 :: Google, Brain & co.
  1. Repetitio: Sessions 1 (Introduction) and 2 (How to read scientific articles)
  2. Group work 1 : Carr (2008) Is Google making us stupid ?
  3. Lectio: Brain
  4. Group work 2 : Small et al. (2009) Your Brain on Google: Patterns of Cerebral Activation during Internet Searching
  5. Anticipatio

ACHTUNG :: Today's session will be most probably the most difficult one.

Net links



  • Astrid will give You Your kastalia login / password next week

Session 8 :: Developmental aspects

  1. Repetitio (Theory of multiple intelligences)

  2. Some administrative stuff (we meet in Medienhaus garden next week, 12th July course etc.)

  3. Your experiments

  4. Developmental aspects

  5. The nightmare videos of children's Youtube

  6. After smartphone: towards a new digital education artefact 

Session 2 :: How to read and understand scientific papers.
Presentation by Dr. M. Mihalilkova.
Digital Culture : Didactic Context

Didactics is science of teaching. And teaching is an art. In this seminar we shall move from present all the way to origins of "school" in order to understand why contemporary education systems are as they are and how shall they potentially evolve. We shall discuss the extent in which digital instruments (computers, beamers, holograms etc.) and practices transform and shall transform the Learner, Teacher and their mutual relation.

discussion & lecture seminar accompanied by Prof. Dr. Dr. Daniel Devatman Hromada
Hardenbergstr. 33, Raum 004, Thursdays 10:15 - 11:45
7th Meeting :: 5th December :: What is school ?
Herbart, Humbold, Fra Bartolomeo
10th Meeting :: 9th January :: Who is an apprentice ?
11th Meeting :: 23rd January :: Who is the teacher ?
5th Meeting :: 21st November :: course canceled

1st Meeting ::  From Goal to Definition
Image result for one world schoolhouse
13th Meeting :: 30th January :: non-digital group(s)
Each student who wants to validate this course as members of the "non-digital" should become a part of group which is going to teach and lead a 45-minute course.

Make sure You define:
0) where ? (e.g. classroom, hall, street, atelier, garden)
1) question which is going to be addressed by the course
2) target audience (pre-schoolers ? pupils ? adolescents ? adults ? alzheimer patients ?)
3) instruments and media You are going to use (digital media not allowed for non-dig. groups)
8th Meeting :: 12th December :: Invited speaker
9th meeting :: What is Enlightenment ?
4th Meeting :: What is learning  ?
Brunner, Feurstein, Piaget
0th Meeting :: 16th October
12th Meeting :: 23th January :: Who is the Hebamme ?
3rd Meeting :: 7th November :: What is Fairy Tale in Post-Industrial society?
by Dr. G. Bagdasarov
What is Fairy Tale in Post-Industrial society?
During the almost more than 80 000 years Fairy Tale was one of the most important if not the only one epistemological instruments for education. Within the past 300 years such role is slowly shifted by other educational tools co-developing with industrial development of society. We'll discuss the role of Fairy Tale as an educational tool as well as it's transformation and substitution of it's function within the context of industrialization of society.
6th Meeting :: What is reform pedagogy ?
Montessori, Steiner, Freinet
2nd meeting :: What is a didactic instrument ?
Larry O'Reill ceo of AHRT as a holigram at Imperial College Business School, The school is showing off a new method of teaching using holograms of business professor, they have promised a demonstration of the technologyLarry O'Reilly, chief executive of Arht Media, appears as a hologram at Imperial College Business School in London © Anna Gordon/FT

7th Meeting :: 5th December :: What is school ?
Herbart, Humbold, Fra Bartolomeo
15th Meeting :: 13th February :: Invitatio to Bildung Digitale
14th Meeting :: 6th Feburary :: digital group(s) teaching concept
Each student who wants to validate this course as members of the "digital" should become a part of group which is going to teach and lead a 45-minute course.

Make sure You define:
0) where ? (e.g. classroom, hall, street, garden, atelier)
1) question which is going to be addressed by the course
2) target audience (pre-schoolers ? pupils ? adolescents ? adults ? alzheimer patients ?)
3) instruments and media You are going to use (at least one kind of digital instrument or medium obligatory for members of the dig. group)
