Code Experiments - Embodied Intelligences
We will explore embodied intelligences in multiple forms:
Invite artists working with robots as guests & collaborators.

As a case study of embodied intelligences, we will develop a network of small, interacting nodes that use long strings installed in the corridors of the Medienhaus to communicate acoustically. Each node connects to >2 wires by listening and transmitting.

We will invent behaviors for the nodes: How do they interpret what they “hear”? How do they transform this “information” and what do they tell their neighbours about it? How do the wires themselves modify, filter, influence the transmission of these acoustic streams?

In Code Experiments, we focus on the SW side of the project: machine listening, audio processing and signal generation.
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Zeitgeist Log

2021-10-11 08:48:19.172035 executed add_bound with variables "obj"=>"12303", "ord"=>"1", "sub"=>"221", "bound_id"=>"26453", "predicate"=>"is_parent"
2021-10-11 11:19:24.12545 executed /view/12303/ with variables
2021-10-11 11:20:42.694752 executed /view/12303/ with variables
CC BY-NC-SA UdK Medienhaus 2017-2020 / AE47-AE50