Performance Environments
“Nil humani alienum puto” - nothing human is alien to me
In this course we build virtual creatures and their habitats. We will read texts from the fields of Phenomenology (the study of our experience) and Epistemology (the study of knowledge) and Xenobiology (a form of biology that is not found in nature).
The course can be integrated with Anne Wellmers course “sonic immersion”, in a way that the soundscapes students create in Anne Wellmer’s course can be applied to the virtual creatures and worlds.
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Zeitgeist Log

2018-02-06 18:02:29.210979 display-cafeteria executed add_bound with variables "obj"=>"892", "ord"=>"1", "sub"=>"3721", "bound_id"=>"10327", "predicate"=>"created_by"
2018-02-06 18:02:29.251747 display-cafeteria executed add_knot with variables "img_url"=>"", "knot_id"=>"3721", "knot_name"=>"/Fenster.svg", "knot_content"=>""
2018-02-06 18:02:29.333 display-cafeteria executed add_bound with variables "obj"=>"3721", "ord"=>"1", "sub"=>"898", "bound_id"=>"10328", "predicate"=>"is_parent"
2018-10-04 14:43:50.4731 executed add_bound with variables "obj"=>"3721", "ord"=>"1", "sub"=>"221", "bound_id"=>"13616", "predicate"=>"is_parent"
CC BY-NC-SA UdK Medienhaus 2017-2020 / AE47-AE50