This will be filled with resources and bookmarks related to trees

Art Projects

Tree Font

Tree Font by


Premna Deamon (2018)

First Iteration (2016)

works of vincent charlebois

Theory Collection

From the Blue Planet to Google Earth


PrePHD Research


Premna Deamon (2018)

First Iteration (2016)

Physical Computing / Low / No Power Computing

~ watercomputers
~ gravitycomputers
~ crab computers

Strange Turing complete systems

PrePHD Research 2

while the last presentation was mainly about reseach into practical computational systems (turing machines etc) ,this presentation focuses on theorethical references and research towards numbersystems / and compuational systems and cognitive regonitions. Meaning looking into Questions of how compuational numbersystems arrived historical and questions regarding the epistemology of numbers (also with a focus on Bildung)


Stanislas Dehaen - Number Sense: How the Mind Creates Mathematics

John N. Crossley - Growing Ideas of Number (The Emergence of Number)   *

Yuk Hui - Recursivity and Contingency (?)

Wesley C. Salmon - Zeno's Paradoxes 

Richard Dedekind - Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen  *

Marie-Louise von Franz - Zahl und Zeit  *

Janine McIntosh, Graham Meiklejohn and David Leigh-Lancaster - Number and the Child

Rochel Gelman and C. R. Gallistel - The Child's Understanding of Number

D.D Hromada - Prolegomena Paedagogica

Mathew Watkins  - Secrets of Creation - Volume 1 *

Alain Badiou - Number and Numbers

Participation in the 9th Münster Workshop for School Informatics 2020

The Digital Education Team presented the Digital Primer project at Münster School Informatics Workshop . This year's workshop topic "Mobile with informatics" was a perfect match for the contribution "Building instructions for a digital primer by and for your pupils" presented by the Digital Education Team. In the accompanying publication four characteristics of the Digital Primer are explained and a building instruction for a prototype is given. The publication in volume can be found here .

Presentation 'Make Your Pupil’s Embooked, Voluminous, Modular and Unique Digital Primer' is available here.

Zahl und Zeit

- trys to  read C. G. Jung's concept of synchronicity, with the archetypal conception of natural numbers.
- takes insperation from Psychology, Numerology, Mathemathics, Religious Number Systems etc
- With this she tried to approach the unity aspect of being, "the Unus Mundus", which lies behind the phenomena of psyche and matter

Number and Numbers

- gives an overview of the mathematical foundations of his philosophy, which are mostly set and set-theoretical
- questions concerning structures of counting / numbers and sets
- historically follow the discovery of mathematicians like Dedekind, Fregge, Cantor and Peano

Secrets of Creation - Volume 1

- a introduction into number theory and prime number without mathemathical notation
- Creation of Number systems (Peano's Rules)
- Prime Factorisation - Analytic
"The primes can be explained to a schoolchild, a 5 year old is capable of understanding the idea of prime numbers"

Growing Ideas of Number (The Emergence of Number)

... sketches the development of ideas of number from the simplest beginnings 

- history of numbers and numbering systems as a human system -

- Counting and counting practices from diffrent cultures (Number words, Numerals etc)
- Calculating by hand / Measuring

But also it takles Numbers from a psychology side through some disscussion of Jung