How to fill M2H protocol :: Digital devices in the public space

  1. Fill the header of the protocol before entering the transport.

  2. Systematically proceed from one end of transport to the other.

  3. Do not hurry, quality (truthfulness of data) is more important than quantity.

  4. Be discrete, smile, use Your peripheral vision.

  5. Be rigorous :: Do not log one subject more than once even if their state changes. Try not to exclude anyone.

  6. At every station, wait a while until people sit down. Record only sitting and standing people.

  7. Note down any unexpected event (either environmental or intrapersonal) on the other (blank) side of the paper.
  8. Prefer information about media usage instead of interaction/misc. information.

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Target or has id Predicate: Strength:

Zeitgeist Log

2019-06-06 10:34:14.827449 executed add_bound with variables "obj"=>"5188", "ord"=>"1", "sub"=>"4378", "bound_id"=>"15457", "predicate"=>"is_parent"
2019-06-06 10:34:14.920829 executed add_bound with variables "obj"=>"5188", "ord"=>"1", "sub"=>"2697", "bound_id"=>"15458", "predicate"=>"created_by"
2019-06-07 10:57:31.971763 executed /view/5188/ with variables
2019-11-15 13:23:30.69033 executed /view/5188/ with variables
2019-11-15 13:23:49.826936 executed /view/5188/ with variables
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