1588077287 / AE500428
1588084922 / AE500428
You are going to be randomly associated into five "break-out" rooms.1588086933 / AE500428
1588087030 / AE500428
1588106259 / AE500428
1588114561 / AE500428
Let's do our first podcast. I look for 10 volunteers who would like to read the part of a beautiful short story "The Man Who Planted Trees" from Jean Giono.1588115975 / AE500428
What a seed is to a soil is an idea to a young mind.1588116277 / AE500428
Every time You boot Your computer (or a smartphone), a new tree emerges in the realm of information.1588116455 / AE500428
Folders / directories are branches and files are leaves.1588116526 / AE500428