Website informing about didactic and research activites of Prof. Dr. Dr. Daniel D. Hromada, Digital Education (digitale Bildung) juniorprofessor affiliated to both Berlin University of the Arts and Einstein Center Digital Future.
Majority of presentations linked on this site are stored as knots of Kastalia Knowledge Managements System (Kastalia KMS) and use deck.js, impress.js or reveal.js frameworks as frontend.
This means that You can move between slides of these presentations either by pressing diverse arrow keys to move backwards (resp. forwards) in the presentation, or by pressing a blank space ("space bar") key to move to next slide.
digitale Fibel: Silben (Memory) Silbenketten Wörter Palope Sätze deutsches Alphabet Zungenbrecher Texte Märchen Witze
Old Digital Literacy :: Initiation Mythology Antiquity Darkages Renaissance Lumieres Steampunk Turing
Making of a digital education artefact :: Initiation Embooking E-paper Data science and machine learning
Bildung Biodigitale :: Of organic and digital trees
Academia :: digital Primer kastalia KMS
Research :: Research Gate ORCID
Private ::
Avatars & IDs :: LinkedIn Github
Matrix (m3x) homeserver ::
1739986867 / AE550219
1732800256 / AE541128 , 10.13140/RG.2.2.35486.34887
At 17th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation Seville (ICERI2024) I not only chaired the session on AI-powered education but also presented the article "Narrative primer: Education and empowerment through generative storytelling" in which I thematize concepts such as "homo narrans", "narrative education", "learning graphs", "personalized-storytelling", "narrative templates", "non-player educators" etc.1727878051 / AE541002
1719234976 / AE540624
At a final vote concluding the 0th 0th Berlin Symposium on Reading Acquistion in Epoch of Artificial Intelligence. two dozens of professionals from diverse fields have been asked two questions. The overall score for the first one: "Should AIs be used to teach children learn how to read in autonomous manner ?" has been -0.46 (-1 meaning "rather not", -2 meaning "definitely not"). The second question "Should AIs be used as assistant to human teachers teaching kids how to read ?" had been attributed the overall score was "1.266.." (1 meaning "rather yes", 2 meaning "definitely yes").1712137588 / AE540403
Dear colleague, we hereby cordially invite You to register to the event "0. Berliner Symposium über Leseförderung im Zeitalter der Künstlichen Intelligenz" which will take place on 22.5.2024 at Einstein Center Digital Future. You will find more information at the website / AE540320
The proposal "Narrative futures: Panchatantra Fables in the Personal Primer" has just been submitted to science+technology+arts (S+T+ARTS) category of Prix Ars Electronica.1706526403 / AE540129
7-billion (7B) parameter open-source large language models Garrulus and Turdus have been recently released on's Hugginface repository.
Based on Mistral-7B model and optimized by "Direct Preference Optimization" technique, Garrulus was the first 7B model in the history which surpassed 75% accuracy of ARC, MMLU, Hellawag, GSM8K, Truthtful_QA and Winogrande evaluation metrics. A less contaminated Turdus model provides the base for state-of-the-art research in the field of LLM and has been already downloaded almost 2000 times.
Additionally the Hugginface organization which is closely affiliated to @DigiEduBerlin also contains the dataset "Kinderlexikon for Direct Prefernce Optimization" which can be immediately used to transform LLM like Turdus into LLM providing responses in simplified German language. Example of such model answering a question "What is categorical imperative ?" here.
1701440117 / AE531201
Presentation which accompanied my talk "Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft der künstlichen Intelligenz" which introduced some basic AI concepts to almost hundred Law students of Berlin's Freie Universität is accessible at / AE531201
A 23-page long closing report for the project " :: open source/hardware toolbox for CO2-neutral outdoor digital education" is available on Stifterverband website. Here is the english version and here is the german one. Enjoy !1701430166 / AE531201
It was a honor and pleasure to present the concept of Human-Machine Peer Learning (HMPL) to participant of this year's Online Educa Berlin boardroom dialogue: "HMPL: What and Why?". Presentation which launched the dialogue is available at *.1697186821 / AE531013
Presentation which accompanied the impulse-talk "Green Illusions & Solarpunk dreams: Future of digital sustainability" at Weizenbaum Institute is available here: *Keywords: digital sustainability, quaternio terminorum, GPU-rich, GPU-poor, digital opulence, digital ascesis, size-coding, perma-computing, solarpunk, eco-artificial education
* correct display of foliae is guaranteed only on desktop viewports
1697185714 / AE531013
Refactored, highly configurable and parametrizable asyncio-compliant code for first generation of Personal Primer artefacts is from now on available here Thanks to GPT4 for useful assistance in creation of pure and sustainable code.1695130610 / AE530919
The Progressive Web App (PWA) version of the digital Primer accessible at the address is gradually getting some important traction. Most importantly all major search engines (e.g. Google, Bing Duckduckgo) put the PWA at highest position (rank #1) for search query "digitale Fibel" . For other queries like "Silbenketten, deutsche Fibel, deutsche Zungerbrecher or deutsche Alphabet, is slowly but steadily and firmly establishing in top 10 ranking positions. And we haven't even started yet ;)1693817332 / AE530904
I had huge please in participating at 0th Archaeo-riddle, as organized by Computational and Digital Archaeology Laboratory of Cambridge University. The naive / lazy / narrative method I used is more closely described in the presentation which was presented at Archaeo-riddle workshop at annual conference of European Association of Archeologists, the presentation is accessible here: intuition behind the solution can be summarized by a conjecture: "Let's have two cultures A and B initially established in regions R_A and R_B separated by a geographical barreer. Let's have culture A which gains the ability to cross or bypass the barreer thus entering the region R_B and getting into contact with B. Under condition that all other parameters are more or less equal (e.g. enviromental fitness in both regions), a significantly shorter settlement persistence of distribution of settlements of culture A in R_B, as compared with A's settlement persistence distribution assessed in other regions, implies hostile relation between A and B."
1693395889 / AE530830
The Personal Primer project has been presented at INTERSPEECH 2023 conference in 'Show and Tell' Section on 24th Aug, 13:30-15:30.1693172193 / AE530827 ,
Fulltext of the article "Digital Primer Implementation of Human-Machine Peer Learning for Reading Acquisition: Introducing Curriculum 2" which has just been presented at conference on Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies (IHIET 2023) is available under open access here.
Baumhaus folios which were presented at Nice are accessible here: Presentation of article Digital Primer Implementation of Human-Machine Peer Learning for Reading Acquisition: Introducing Curriculum 2.
1692224243 / AE530816
Every four years, Chaos Communication Club (CCC) organizes their Chaos Communication Camp (CCC), one of the best hack & fnord art events of the planet. And DigiEduBerlin were lucky enough to be there with multiple interventions: thus, three iterations of the Elliptic Curve Initiation workshop "Kunst der Kurven" * took place at Creative Coding Zone (Ziegeleipark Mildenberg's Trockenschuppen area: (greetings to Pixtur; byte observer,, zden & Mona) and one iteration of Young Hacker's Illustrated Primer took place in collaboration with Jugend Hackt and Verstehbahnhof (greetings to dnb, Meister Techniker, Lisa, Katja, Nils & co.). Beautiful event with beautiful people.1690458728 / AE530727
Almost twenty different pieces of unique art issued out of classes "Making of a (digital) education artefact" and "Bildung Biodigitale: Animals" were presented in Room 311 of Medienhhaus / Grunewaldstrasse building of Berlin University of the arts. These include:1689600179 / AE530717
Two proposals originating from DigiEduBerlin has been accepted to coolest hacker camp of the EU, and thus also of this planet (= Chaos Computer Club' Chaos Communication Camp). During workshop labeled Young Hacker's Illustrated Primer which will be realized within the context of CCC's Jugend hackt initiative, young generation of geeks & nerds will learn how to build & code & tune their own copy of the Personal Primer. Additionally, the artistic intervention Kunst der Kurven will initiate the uninitiated into the symmetric-asymmetric beauty underlying fundamental algebraic structures which provide the basis for modern basis of modern asymmetric cryptography: elliptic curves.1686478249 / AE530611
Python code for bot bridging matrix rooms with Your own instance of automatic1111 stable diffusion text-to-image generating API. The name "Karel" was given to the project in order to honor work of Czech author "Karel Čapek" who in his theatre play "Rossum's Universal Robots" coined the word "robot".Some outputs generated by Karel can be seen at
1684923330 / AE530524
Some open educational resources (OER)s which were until now available only through now move to their own domain . Currently, it's only a set of audiotext folios introducting all personages of the Zirkus Palope family recorded in two voices ("female german" 🇩🇪♀ and "male german" 🇩🇪♂️) but soon new exercises (e.g. "memory game" 🎴) and OERs will be added.1684853414 / AE530523 ,
An article "Digital Primer Implementation of Human- Machine Peer Learning for Reading Acquisition: Introducing Curriculum 2" has been recently accepted for 10th International Conference on Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies (IHIET 2023). The article presents first results issued out of Personal Primer project. It also indicates that artificial assistants for reading acquisition can be developed whereby both the child and machine benefit from mutual interaction: child learns how to read and machine learns how to process child's speech.1684762261 / AE530522
A paper "Personal Primer Prototype 1: Invitation to Make Your Own Embooked Speech-Based Educational Artifact" and an introduction video has been accepted in INTERSPEECH 2023 The project will be displayed during the conference period (20th Aug - 24th Aug). Intespeech's double-blind peer review here.1682586511 / AE530427
Zeroth version of the bot "Karel Čapek" which interconnects the matrix room with our UdK-hosted Stable Diffusion Automatic1111 instance has been activated.
Results are available at the address .
More to come soon. Stay tuned.
1679435815 / AE530321
To celebrate the first spring day, beta version of the web component of the digital primer project has just been activated on-line. Seemingly naive and trivial on the first sight, the domain hide following innovations under its hood:1676993263 / AE530221 , 10.3389/feduc.2023.1063337
First major article more closely describing the concept of "human-machine peer learning" in practical Artificial Intelligence in Education ( #AIED ) scenario has just been published in a Curriculum & Pedagogy section of peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Education. Carrying a title "Proof-of-concept of feasibility of human–machine peer learning for German noun vocabulary acquisition", the article provides first empiric evidence of feasibility of educational scenarios where humans and machines learn with - and from - each other.1666259301 / AE521020
Core of DigiEduBerlin's submission to Mozilla's "our voices 2022 competition" is a first publicly available, light-weight (e.g. DeepSpeech) speech-to-text acoustic & language model intentionally covering both Slovak (SK) as well as Czech (CS) poles of SlovakoCzech language continuum. Here is the github repository containing acoustic and language model of slovak language. And here are resources for High Sorbian language.1665412554 / AE521010
It was quite a pleasure to participate at this edition of a wonderful digitalization / sustainability conference-festival Bits & Bäume. First, solar artefacts Wand 0, Harp, Display, Terminal and 2 copies of digital primer have been presented to visitors of DigiEduBerlin's "solar soldering" workshop. Subsequently, intervention continued with the talk "Bildung Biodigitale - educational curriculum for Novacene era". Overview of both interventions can be found here.1665411994 / AE521010
Presentation related to talk "Mehrdeutigkeiten und Ontogenese der Kompetenzen: Beispiele aus Spracherwerb, Leseerwerb und maschinellem Lernen" which has been presented within the panel " Sprachliche Mehrdeutigkeiten als Kippfiguren zum Entdecken von Eindeutigkeit im Gesprochenen und Geschriebenen" is available here.1663860189 / AE520922 , 10.1109/ECEI53102.2022.9829451
An article "teacher.js: A low-bandwidth Digital Tool for Outdoor Online Teaching" which was presented at 2022 IEEE 5th Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation (ECEI) is now accessible on-line in IEEE's ieeexplore system. . Enjoy!1662977787 / AE520912
On 7th of September at 25th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD 2022) in Brno, Czech, DigiEduBerlin team presented "Digital Primer v1 :: One Goal, Two Prototypes" as a part of Demo session and "Speech recognition on the edge" as a tutorial session. in the demo session, two sub-branches of current Digital Primer project were introduced: “physical” Personal Primer (π2) branch focuses on design of a post-smartphone open hardware artefact based on “Raspberry Pi Zero” technology, and “Web Primer” sub-project provides extended functionality in browser.Presentations here:
1659429325 / AE520802
1659368884 / AE520801
June/July 2022 (AE520[6|7]) was quite charged when it comes to diverse presentations at different occasions and venues. Thus, in this presentation, we provided to to our generous donors from Cornelsen Foundation some insights into what @DigiEduBerlin team has been recently doing; few days later, professor colleagues from Einstein Center Digital Future were updated during our ECDF July Brownbag talk and on the same day, the talk Invitation to a certain post-digital world (realized in collaboration with Maria Kyrou) concluded the symposium (Post)digitalität in der künstlerischen Lehrkräftebildung. Enjoy browsing through those folios (and maybe You'll notice that with some of those presentations, You can interact in a contact-less manner, by executing necessary hand-movements in front of Your webcam).1657789020 / AE520714
The artwork 'Ich Sage Was Ich Sagen Kann (ISWISK)' which had been developed from the last winter semester (2021-2022) by a scientific assistant of DigiEduBerlin Team, Hyungjoong Kim with Prof. Hromada, was presented to xCoAx 2022 10th Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X which takes place in Coimbra, Portugal this year.1657274024 / AE520708
A lightning talk presenting main outputs of the project, i.e. Outdoor Online Teaching (OOT), Bildung Biodigitale Curriculum, teacher.js software for shared attention teaching, Digital Education Artefacts avocad0 & magic wand0 as well as experimental methods like solar soldering were presented to visitors of University Teacher Conference (Lehrkonferenz) which concluded 10 years of Stifterverband's program for Fellowship in High School Education.Presentation is available here.
Additionally, 17 strophes resulting from the poeto-musical intervention "Ode to Didactics" have also been presented. But we shall get to that later ;)
1655888694 / AE520622
We are happy to announce that the artefact realized by a student member of DigiEduBerlin Team, student tutor Jung Hsu (TW) had in collaboration with a co-student Natalia Rivera (CO) has won a Golden Nica (i.e. first prize) in the Interactive Art+ category of world-renowned festival Ars Electronica. The artistic project Resist like bacteria is centered around the yellow umbrellla, a symbol of Hong Kong's Umbrella Movement. After being repurposed as a parabolic WIFI antenna, the umbrella both extends decentralized connectivity as well as covers and protects citizens holding it. More info on Ars Electronica Website.1653021337 / AE520520
With a talk entitled "Digital exercise material for systematic (syllable-based) learning to read implementing speech recognition algorithms" , the prototype of the project has been presented for the first time to audience of German experts in domain of elementary school didactics and alphabetisation. Interactive presentation of the talk is accessible on the domain / AE520506
A talk "An archive, an arc hive or the anarchive: prolegomena to Knowledge Management System(s) for any future human or trans-human ally" was given today to students of TU/UdK Design & Computation study program. From ἀρχε of pre-Socratic philosophers, through role of archives in life of past and current institutions, all the way to SQL, semantic web and blockchain, talk provided many insider insights into cores datastructures of and kastalia.medienhaus digital communities and knowledge graphs.1648631964 / AE520330
DigiEduBerlin team is happy to announce that first release of a small but powerful open-source automatic speech recognition (ASR) package "lesen-mikroserver" which is, from now on, available on Github here:
lesen-mikroserver is based on code from wonderful coqui speech-to-text (STT). server-side component of "lesen-mikroserver" is able to run inferences on 512-Volta tensor cores of Xavier Jetson Dev Kit GPUs devices and will be used exhaustively in the context of and projects.
Note also our small but tidy getUserMedia -> mediaRecorder -> Websocket -> Jetson -> Browser client which is more or less all You need to bring state of the art ASR / STT in Your pupil's browsers.
1647971138 / AE520322
More than dozen unique and often mind-blowing student projects realized by students of "Educatio Digitale" and "Introduction to Optimization in Coding & Making" were presented during the WTF edition of Futurological Congress AE920214. From ancient writing automata and I-Ching oracle in the browser through binary counting and addition on human hands all the way to GPT-3 driven moral machines, the congress which took place in Medienhaus Aula exactly a week before Russia's coward invasion of Ukraine concluded with dignity and slight dose of humor three semesters of CoVid-19 pandemics.1647970185 / AE520322
Lightweight but powerful outdoor on-line teaching framework teacher.js was presented at 5th IEEE Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation (ECEI 2022). A pre-print of the associated article is available here.1644570392 / AE520211
With the course "Audial Bodies" given collaboratively by prof. Hromada (Digital Education) and prof. Greinke (Wearable Computing), UdK was the very first institution ever at which one instance of the Synthux Academy Hackathon ever took place. As all other participants of the hackathon - including Design Academy Eindhoven, Princeton University, Birmingham City University, Caragiale National University, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Betzalel Academy, Fontys University Eindhoven and University of Colorado Boulder - 4 groups composed of student issued from diverse UdK study programs used powerful Daisy Seed Microcontrollers to explore diverse means of transformation of movement into sound. Join the Synth Conference to know more.1644566406 / AE520211
Article "Three Principles, 2 Sub-principles and One Magic Wand for Harm Minimization and Prevention of Technological Addiction in Human Children" has been published in a peer-reviewed journal "Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies"
Departing from the definition of techno-addiction in terms of technology-assisted behaviour with probable detrimental consequences, we propose following guidelines could direct the design of harm-reducing technologies: gradual use-constraining, circadianity, offline preferentiality, environmental referentiality and monotasking. These guidelines can serve as criteria according to which digital technologies can be evaluated. Also, these principles can direct design of post-smartphone digital technologies which will, hopefully, reduce the cognitive and physiological harm caused by unreflected deployment of current technologies. As a concrete example of such harm-reducing technologies, we provide first insights into the structure and function of a “magic wand”, a make-your-own-device digital artefact satisfying the above-mentioned guidelines.
Article is available here:
1634222079 / AE511014
Lightweight, low-bandwidth on-line teaching framework "teacher.js" developped by Frederic Brodbeck (member of UdK/ECDF Digitale Education team ) for the purpose of the project will be presented to the wider public for the first time on 2nd November at 11:45 as part of EdTech section of the 2021 edition of the University Future Festival. Feel free to join us, there will be some live demo taking place.Kastalia KMS presentation which accompanied the talk is available here.
1633718133 / AE511008
Presentation "Haptic interface for segmentation and annotation of audiotextual corpora" was presented today at a very agreeable NFDI4Culture digitalisation barcamp. Presentation describing one of the main innovations behind the project is available here.1633506563 / AE511006
Official website for the DigiEduPrimer hackathon activated:
Join us on 9th and 10th November in addressing the challenge "Fostering Reading Acquisition with Digital Tools".
Let's help children learn how to read !
1629994059 / AE510826
1629188763 / AE510817
An older article "Can Evolutionary Computation Help us to Crib the Voynich Manuscript ?" is now available at the scientifc paper repository arXiv. Departing from the postulate that Voynich Manuscript is not a hoax but rather encodes authentic contents, our article presents an evolutionary algorithm which aims to find the most optimal mapping between voynichian glyphs and candidate phonemic values. Lists of feminine names stemming from different languages are used as a crib and VM section known as "Zodiac", resp. "Calendar" is used as ciphertext. Interesting results are obtained especially when lists of slavic feminine names (including diminutives) resp. hebrew feminine names (with order of characters reversed) are used as the crib. Article is available here.1625238738 / AE510702
A link to short lecture addressing the answer "What is Artificial Intelligence about ?" presented to GWK students of prof. Gasteier is here.1621334743 / AE510518
Early prototype (pre-alpha) of an online "browse together" code-casting teaching tool "teacher.js" which is developed by Frederic Brodbeck for the purpose of project was used as a main presentation tool at this year's edition of Symposium of Berlin Open Lab. The presentation, which summarizes main projects of UdK/ECDF Digital Education team - i.e. Personal Primer, and - is available here.1615482603 / AE510311
For the publication of Udk2030 Documentation the team generated a specific ERC 721 token which is minted in the ethereum testnet rinkeby. Every token is unique and represents one of 23 special physical books which is printed with a private key for the corosponding ethereum wallet. We will experiment with this system of distribution to evaluate if through the digital record the content can be expanded in the future. Find the token contract here.1615391150 / AE510310
A lexicon consisting of audiotext recordings of syllabized pronounciations of 327 german words is, from now on, available at the address . These extends the set of already existing audiotext contents (Grimm Brother Fairy Tales (DE), german Tongue Twisters and English Tongue Twisters) with a new set of contents which are of particular importance within the process of acquisition of reading skills.1614343756 / AE510226
Just presented the project " :: open source/hardware toolbox for low bandwidth CO2-neutral online outdoor teaching" at the first meeting of 2020 stifterverband fellows.1614258947 / AE510225
Knowledge Management and Archivation System (KMAS) "Kastalia" was presented today to members of UdK's action group "Online Lehre" initiated and curated by UdK's president prof. Norbert Palz. Presentation is accessible here.1612131107 / AE510131
We are happy to announce that alpha version of web component of the digital Primer project is, from now on, accessible at the address
Essentially, the web component is based around the idea of audiotext, i.e. temporally aligned, synchronized text and audio* First audiotext contents which are, from now on, publicly available on the project website are audiotext of most famous Fairy Tales of Brothers Grimm, as recorded, modified and annotated by student assistant Dorothea Müller.
Audiotexts are transferred to the public domain under conditions of Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND licence.
1612130444 / AE510131
Prof. Dr. Daniel Hromada has been awarded one of four Senior Fellowships for "Innovation in University Teaching" by the Stifterverband. The ECDF professor received the fellowship, which is endowed with 25,000 euros, for his project " open source/hardware toolbox for CO2-neutral online outdoor teaching".1611314330 / AE510122
Berlin University of the Arts is slowly but steadily adopting BigBlueButton as its main videoconferencing system. A little lecture "BigBlueButton Schooling Level B" contained some few practical tips and tricks for intermediate users of this wonderful on-line learning system.1606401947 / AE501126
As an important step in development and evaluation of models for embedded speech recognition, the team of Digitale Bildung made the machinelearning framework tensorflow lite and the associated python3 bindings [tflite_runtime] run on armv6 architecture. A comprehensive guide and the binaries can be found here.1606128472 / AE501123
The amount of basic units of knowledge, so called "knots" stored in the database of a Knowledge management system Kastalia. lately surpassed the cricital quantity of 11111 knots. Here You can see how the knot 11111 looks like when processed by means of the reveal.js template.1606127686 / AE501123 ,
What do William Shakespeare's Falstaff, Prospero, Miranda, Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, PERL-compatible regular expressions, Einstein Center Digital Future, #UdK, computational #rhetorics, #argument, #computation, morally restricted Genral Public License and a domain have in common ? Well, they are linked, in one way or another - to and by the paper "Integer-based nomenclature for the ecosystem of lexically repetitive expressions in complete works of William Shakespeare", one among the most strange yet most important papers I've ever written.1604662951 / AE501106
A little cooking recipe for organisation of a first fully digital version of UdK's Zukunftstag: 10% mail & 5% Webex to ignite the spark. Then 70% of Medienhaus/ and 15% of BigBlueButton.1604230951 / AE501101
Project of creation of 0th holographic chronicle of UdK's Future Day got funded by University's "Kommission für künstlerische und wissenschaftliche Vorhaben" !1603883766 / AE501028
An UdK alumni, absolvent of Art & Media study program and the first student force assistant of my Digital Education juniorprofessorship, Mr. Nikoloz Kapanadze, just presented his open-source and open-hardware ambisonic headset "Esonic" at the workshop "Programming with moving bodies" of the renowned NordiChi conference. Some slides concerning Nik's project are here.1602285803 / AE501009
1601977742 / AE501006 ,
1596285235 / AE500801
The Digital Education Team grows: From 1.August 2020 Hibiki joined the team as a student assistant. She is currently studing at the University of Arts in the newmedia class and will work on the hardware of the Digital Primer. Some of her projects can be found here1591274035 / AE500604
The Digital Education Team presented the Digital Primer project at Münster School Informatics Workshop . This year's workshop topic "Mobile with informatics" was a perfect match for the contribution "Building instructions for a digital primer by and for your pupils" presented by the Digital Education Team. In the accompanying publication four characteristics of the Digital Primer are explained and a building instruction for a prototype is given. The publication in volume can be found here .1589290105 / AE500512
1585744435 / AE500401
Paul Seidler joined the Digital Education Team on the 1.April 2020. He studied at the University of Arts in the newmedia class and was working before in various research facilities, including the Design Research Lab and the Hybrid plattform . His projects and papers have been presented at CTM, Transmediale, Dutch Design Week. His current focus is on Software design and development of the Digital Primers.1579619739 / AE500121
First prototype of a novel kind of digital education medium, a so-called "Digital Primer" (DP) or a "digitale Fibel" was presented to public at the Industry Day of Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) on 21st January 2020. Design, realization and optimization of a digital Primer is the main research & design project of Daniel D. Hromada, digital education juniorprofessor affiliated to both ECDF as well as to Faculty of Design of Berlin University of the Arts.1575030835 / AE491129
1574259382 / AE491120
By clicking here, You will obtain access to the presentation just presented within the track "eCampus / Nachhaltigkeit in Verwaltung und Forschung" of the Hamburg conference Campus Innovation. Thanks to Visuelle Kommunikation student Niklas Apfel for playful illustrations.1572957235 / AE491105 , Berlin
Version v0.42 of the knowledge-management system (KMS) Kastalia has been presented as part of 2nd "Future day" organized by Berlin University of the Arts. Installation named "kastalia.medienhaus v0.42 :: 4 views" was a first public display of the system which is, since winter semester 2016 used as a singular tool for creation of collaborative presentations by study programs Kunst und Medien (KuM) and Visuelle Kommunikation (VK) of UdK's Faculty of Design.
As of 24th october 2019 kastalia's database contained 3846 "knots" ("Ding an sich") interconnected with "5226" bounds which can be displayed (as "Ding für uns") by > 79 different templates, thus generating at least 69 * 3846 = 265374 distinct and unique "views". What was presented at UdK's Zukunfstag were four such views.
In short, Kastalia can be described as a collaborative swiss-knife of web-publishing, data-management and archivation. Asides being used as a collaborative presentation tool by all classes, workshops and labors of VK and KuM study programs, kastalia also played a minor role in archiving the outputs of first edition of UdK2030, plays an instrumental role in creation of german-language corpus for the project of digital primer (digitale fibel) and is a backend for systems as diverse as Medienhaus cafeteria display, as well as the website You are reading in this very moment (e.g.
1572786833 / AE491103
It has been a big pleasure to present a talk "Circadian and eutark reduction of energy trace of UdK’s Medienhaus" to students of UdK's Klima Klasse.
What was supposed to be a 20-min talk about circadian and eutark devices turned into a 90-min interactive talk spanning topics as diverse as Bildung Digitale, Lean ICT on one hand and photobioreactors, Wendelstein 7-X or carbon-sequestrating paints on the other.
@klasse.klima Instagram announcement is here and the on-line version of the presentation is available here.1572698035 / AE491102 , Hamburg
As a follow-up to article about circadian and eutark artefacts, I have been invited to Campus-Innovation conference at Hamburg in order to hold a talk: "CO2-Neutrality and Digital School: can we align them?".
List of other conference participants here.
1571661235 / AE491021 , Berlin
A series of 23 "aphorisms" dealing with the topic of "Repetition" is being gradually added at
The project has been initiated by request from authors of UdK Journal, the main printed medium of Berlin University of the Arts. Printed introduction to the art-work is "Ewige Wiederholung des Wiederholendes" can be found on a double-spread of pages 14 and 15 of 7th issue of the journal.
Asides being the first project combining the D3.js frontend with the kastalia.medienhaus backend, the repetition aphorisms can be considered to be first texts written by Daniel D. Hromada in german language.
1570710835 / AE491010 , 10.3917/enf2.193.0345
Article "After smartphone : Towards a new digital education artefact" published in Revue EnfanceParis; DOI:
Article "After smartphone : Towards a new digital education artefact" is now made available by Revue Enfance, one of the most oldest (est. 1948) continental scientific journals in the field of developmental psychology and published by renowned publishing house "Presses Universitaires de France".
The article is a part of an issue 3/2019 dedicated to "Cognitive technologies for childhood" edited by Jacqueline Nadel & Charles Tijus. Its abstract being as follows:
"Non-moderate smartphone usage may induce diverse pathological states and behaviors which may potentially result in an array of syndromes and illnesses. Digital devices built for education rather than consumption and entertainment should not neglect intricacies of human physiology, ergonomy and cognition. For this reason, we present first four properties of an idealized “digital primer” artefact which could maximize the human and cultural potential of a normal elementary school pupil by means of holistic, semi-supervised interaction. Properties addressed and defined in this article are: “speech-based”, “narrative”, “circa-temporal” and “habit-disrupting”."
In its appendix, the article is also a 1st scientific publication contains a list of 23 characteristics of a digital primer, as proposed since 2016 on
Fulltext is available here for a 5 € fee.
1568291635 / AE490912 , Berlin
Happy to announce that presentation ""Make Your Own Device": When Digital Education Marries Reform Pedagogy" shall be presented on 29th November to attendees of the conference as part of the Teaching Skills and Competences for Tech-enabled Futures Starts at School: the New Digital Literacy Curriculum panel. Full program of conference is available here.1566390835 / AE490821 , Berlin
Brief description of the digital Primer ("digitale Fibel") project in its earliest stage + some other remarks concerning the usage of AIs in education + an excerpt from a RaspberryPi TTS-synthetized variant of an old Slovak fairy-tale, all this and some more was part of the program "Lerning in the robotic era" broadcast by SWR2. You can download the podcast variant which You can download here. Article summarizing the Podcast is available here.
Thanks the SWR2 journalist Ms. Silvia Plahl for an agreeable interview.
1562934835 / AE490712 , Berlin
Less then one year after introduction of Digital education at Berlin University of the Arts (UdK), we have already managed to present some working artefacts to wider audience during UdK's event of the year, a so-called Rundgang.
Main exhibits included: Avatar0 (created in collaboration with Christian Schmidts) communicating with visual installation In Praise of Void by Akif Sari; PappeFibel0 (the core prototype of the project); touchless musik instruments Schale (physical setup by Kohei Kimura), Ukulele (Nik Kapanadze, Anna Petzer); drumming plants Cyberplant0 and Cyberplant1 and binaural headphones sonic by Nik Kapanadze.
Consistently with the "Make Your Own Device" (MYOD) philosophy, majority of artefacts hereby introduced is based on Raspberry PI hardware, GNU/Linux operating system and tend to include at least one upcycled component.
1560602035 / AE490615 , Berlin
Artefacts PappeFibel0 and Cyberplant0 were presented during the event "Long Night of the Sciences" at Einstein Center Digital Future (sometimes also known as "House of digitalization"). A more elaborate report about the event is available here.
1551789235 / AE490305 , Berlin
Article thematizing two properties (circadian and eutark*) of digital yet sustainable digital education devices has been just accepted for publication in 7th volume of "Fachmagazin für Digitalisierung in der Lehr Synergie". Publication date is 22 May 2019 (AE490522).
*word "eutark" is not a typo but a neologism meaning "energy-autark", i.e. "able to produce energy necessary for own operation"
1550147635 / AE490214
Faculty of Design of Berlin University of the Arts
The zeroth edition of the course "Digital Culture :: Prolegomena to Educatio Digitale :: Historical Context" finished by a "congress" organized by students and for students. Congress interventions included: presentation of a string&pulley-based logical gates (NOT, AND, NAND, XOR, OR, buffer); Digi-Comp2 paper-based replica; video about a somewhat unhappy cyborg; unveiling of the Pygmallion tableau and referats about Ada Lovelace and digital sounds in everyday life.1544704435 / AE481213
Technisches Museum Berlin
1543494835 / AE481129
Symposium Digitalisierung UdK Berlin /// Eine Anatomie, UdK, Berlin
Presentation of the talk "Vivisection of digital infrastructure of UdK's Medienhaus, as executed by an ex-IT-Admin" is now available in the Kastalia Knowledge Management System und is accessible here.
1542890035 / AE481122
Hybrid Platform TU / UdK, Berlin
Should elementary school pupils bring their own devices into school or not ? Some pro- and contra- arguments, as well as an answer to this highly actual question have been presented at the 33rd Hybrid Talk dedicated to "Learning". An impress.js presentation is available here.
1542544435 / AE481118
Faculty of Design of Berlin University of the Arts
Happy to announce that the state-of-the-art Kaldi Automatic Speech Recognition system has been just successfully compiled on an embedded Rock64 platform.
1542285235 / AE481115
1540470835 / AE481025
Faculty of Design of Berlin University of the Arts
A Studium Generale course "Prolegomena to Educatio Digitale :: Historical context" has been just initiated with its 0th edition. You can see the presentation here.
1539606835 / AE481015
Overview of WiSe2018/2019 courses proposed by prof. Hromada in association with ECDF Digital Education professorship and Berlin University of the Arts is available here.
1539174835 / AE481010
Einstein Center Digital Future, Berlins